Types of Pronoun and their definition with examples

Pronoun Definition & its Kinds

Pronoun | सर्वनाम  

The word which is used in place of noun is called Pronoun.

वह शब्द जो संज्ञा के बदले प्रयोग किया जाय उसे सर्वनाम कहते है  

Example :   
He, She, I, You, We, It, That, They, Herself, Anybody, Each, etc.

# Types of Pronoun #

There are 10 kinds of Pronoun.

 1) Personal Pronoun  व्यक्तिवाचक सर्वनाम          

 2) Interrogative Pronoun    प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम   

 3) Indefinite Pronoun   अनिश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम    

 4) Possessive Pronoun  अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम 
 5) Relative Pronoun   संबंधवाचक सर्वनाम          

 6) Reflexive Pronoun   निजवाचक सर्वनाम         

 7) Emphatic Pronoun   बलदायक सर्वनाम         

 8) Demonstrative Pronoun   संकेतवाचक       

 9) Reciprocal Pronoun  परस्पर बोधक सर्वनाम   
 10) Distributive Pronoun  व्यस्टवाचक सर्वनाम  

तो चलिए शुरू करते है Pronoun का Chapter और एक एक करके सभी के बारे में जानते है 

 1 ) Personal Pronoun  

The Pronoun which is used in place of person is called personal pronoun. 

(वह सर्वनाम जो किसी आदमी के लिए प्रयोग हो उसे Personal Pronoun कहते है )

He, She, It, They, You, We, I , Him, Her, Us, Me, They, Them 
1. Ram is a doctor. He lives in Goa.
2. Rekha was a girl. She was a hot girl.
3. My house is big. It is airy.
यहाँ पर heshe और it Pronoun है, जो Ram, Rekha और My house के लिए प्रयोग किया गया है 

 2 ) Interrogative Pronoun  
The Pronoun which is used to ask question is called Interrogative  pronoun. 

(वह सर्वनाम जो किसी प्र्श्न को पूछने के लिए  प्रयोग हो उसे Interrogative  Pronoun कहते है )

Who | What | Which | Whose | Where | How
1. Who took the towel?
2. Who will win the championship?
3. What is love ?
4. Who was that?
5. What is her favourite dress?
 3 ) Indefinite Pronoun  
The Pronoun which does not refer to a particular person, place or thing is called Indefinite Pronoun. 

(वह सर्वनाम जो किसी निचिश्त व्यक्ति , स्थान , और वस्तु के लिए प्रयोग ना हो उसे Indefinite Pronoun कहते है )

Nobody | No one | Somebody | Anybody | Both | Everything
1. Everybody likes Amar Sir
2. Everything is good.
3. Everyone was ready for the party.
4. Nobody came here.

 4 ) Possessive Pronoun  
The Pronoun which is used to express possession and ownership of  noun is called Possessive Pronoun. 

(वह सर्वनाम जो किसी Noun पर अधिकार का बोध कराये उसे Possessive Pronoun कहते है )

Mine | Yours | Hers | Ours | Theirs | Its 
1. This house is yours.
2. That house was hers.
3. This school is mine.
4. This laptop is ours.

 5 ) Relative Pronoun  
The Pronoun which is used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun  is  called Relative  Pronoun. 

(वह सर्वनाम जो किसी Clause or Phrase को Noun से जोड़े उसे Relative Pronoun कहते है )

1. This is the man who broke this glass.
2. I know a boy whose father is an engineer.
3. I had a lamp which was blue

 6 ) Reflexive Pronoun  
The Pronoun which refers to noun or pronoun and indicates that the same person or thing is involved. it ends with self is called Reflexive Pronoun. 

(वह सर्वनाम जो किसी Noun or Pronoun को इंगित करे जो Subject के रूप में इस्तेमाल होता हो उसे Reflexive Pronoun कहते है )

Myself | Himself | Itself | Themselves | Ourselves | Herself.
1. I make tea myself. 
2. She made coffee herself.
3. Amar took tea himself.
4. Radha cooked food herself.

 7 ) Emphatic Pronoun  
The Reflexive Pronoun which is used to emphasize a particular noun is called Emphatic Pronoun. 

(वह Reflexive Pronoun जो किसी Noun पर जोर डालने के लिए प्रयोग हो उसे  Emphatic Pronoun कहते है )

Myself | Himself | Itself | Themselves | Ourselves | Herself.
1. He himself made tea.
2. Amar himself cooked food.
3. Prity herself made food.

 8 ) Demonstrative Pronoun 
The Pronoun which is used to point out a particular person, place or thing is called Demonstrative Pronoun. 

(वह सर्वनाम जो किसी खास person, place, को इंगित करे उसे Demonstrative Pronoun कहते है )

This is a care
That is a bird
Those are pens
These are apples

  9) Reciprocal Pronoun  
Each other and One another is called Reciprocal Pronoun.

(Each other and One another को  Reciprocal  Pronoun कहते है )

Amar and Katrina love each other
Amar, Komal and Katrina love one another.


Point to Remember 

1 ) Preposition | Let के बाद हम हमेशा Pronoun का Objective Case का प्रयोग करते है 

Example : 1)  He laughs at me

                   2)  Ram Looked at him 

                  3)  Let me Play

                  4)  Let her do this work.

2 ) Pronoun का Possessive Case हमेशा Subject के अनुसार होना चाहिए 

Example : People help their family.

                   Ram loved his house

                   She loves her dress

                   We loved our Friends.

3 ) Somebody, Everybody, Nobody, Anybody, Something, Everything, Nothing, Anything, Someone,  Everyone, No one, Anyone, One of, None of के साथ हमेशा Pronoun को Singular Possessive Case का प्रयोग होता है ा 

Example : Everybody loves his son.

                   Everyone loves his friend.

                   Nobody likes his enemy. 

                   None has loved his foe.

4 ) जब दो Noun (and) से जुड़ा हो और एक चीज़ का बोध हो तो उसमे Singular Possessive Case का प्रयोग होता है ा 

Example : Rice and Cury is his favourite food.

                   Wine and Soda is her favourite drink.

5 ) निम्नलिखित Words में Reflexive Pronoun या Object का प्रयोग हमेशा होता है ा 

Examples : Absent / Avail / Apply / Enjoy / Pride / Resign / Acquit / Revenge / Exert / Adapt / Adjust / Satisfy / Prepare / Introduce / Cheat / Pride / Acquit / Present / 

Amar introduced him to the Principal.

He enjoyed himself at the Party.

She absented himself  from the class.

Amar presented himself before the Principal

6 ) निम्नलिखित Words में Reflexive Pronoun का प्रयोग नहीं होता है ा 

Example : Bathe / Break  /Feed / Hide / Turn / Move / Rest / Quality / Stop /  Kill etc. 

7 ) अगर किसी वाक्य में बहुत सारे Singular Pronoun  हो तो उसमे 231 Rule लगता है , लेकिन Plural Pronoun हो तो उसमे 123 Rule लगते है | यानि Negative Idea में 123 और Positive Idea में 231 

Example : 

1) They, You and We are going to Mumbai 

    We, You and They are going to Mumbai

2) You, They and We have done it 

     We, You and They have done it.

3) I, He and You are to finish it

    You, He and I are to finish it

4) You, I and He are in the wrong and will be punished

I, You and He are in the wrong will be punished.

8 ) Each other / Either / Neither /  प्रयोग हमेसा दो व्यक्तियों के लिए  होता है, जबकि One another / Anyone / None / का प्रयोग दो से अधिक व्यक्तियों के लिए होता है ा 

Example : Ram and Amar love each other.

                  Amar and Kajal hate each other.

                 Ram, Hari and Sita love one another

                 Ram, Sita, and Gopi fight one another.

9 ) Who हमेशा Nominative Case में होता है और Whom Objective Case में होता है ा इसलिए Who के बाद एक Verb आता है लेकिन Whom के बाद Verb नहीं आता है ा 


The teacher who came here was my father. 

The doctor whom I met yesterday was my father. 

The man who sang a song was good Singer.

The man whom you met was a good Singer.

10 ) Superlative degree , Only None, All का अर्थ जब Everything हो तो इसके बाद That का प्रयोग होता है, Who और Which का नहीं 


All that glitter is not gold. 

This is the best thing that I can do.

That was the worst thing that you did.

You are the only boy that can do it.

11 ) Who / Which का प्रयोग Defining  या Non – Defining दोनों अर्थो में होता है लेकिन That का प्रयोग सिर्फ Defining में होता है ा 


He is better than I (Two Nominative) 

I respect you more than him (Two-objectives)

Common Error || Based on Pronoun Part – A

1. Between you and he there is little to choose.

2. This work has been done by.

3. Let he do this work.

4. Let you and me do this work.

5. They are requested to do one work.

6. What an author earns by his writings is their sole income.

7. One should look for his own faults first and then those of others.

8. The teacher said to the boys that one ought to work hard to earn one living.

9. Everybody is required to do their work.

10. Every one of the students has brought their identity card.

II. After every passenger had handed over their tickets to the checker the bus left.

12. The gambling stall was a grand success because almost everyone tried their luck.

13. Either of the two wives is dominated by their husband.

14. Each of the two boys has paid her school fees.

15. Neither of the sisters has a separate room of his own.

16. The manager and owner of the firm expressed their views or demands of the workers.

17. The party Chief and the Prime Minister expressed their views on the topic.

18. Not only Ram but also his friends have done his work.

19. Either the students or the principal will remain firm on their decision.

20. Fear is one of those emotions which frequently root us to inaction.

21. One of the books which was presented by our teachers was interesting.

22. Hari always says that his father is one of those who is interested in music.

23. Last night he enjoyed in the party.

24. They absented themselves from the class.

25. Neither of the three boys has completed their work.

26. None of the two leaders was present to welcome the Prime Minister.

27. The five brothers love each other.

28. The two brothers love one another.

29. Sudhir and Mahesh have common interested and are quite fond of on another.

30. Every leaf and every flower was lying at their orignal place.

31. If I were him, I would have dissolved the Lok Sabha.

32. If I were them, I would not have repeated the same mistake.

33. I was them who were to blame.

34. It is me who is guilty.

35. I found it to be he.

36. You, he and me are friends.

37. He invited you and I to the party.

38. Yours College is very good.

39. I don’t like this friend of your.

40. She prefers my company to your.

41. You, I and he will visit the place.

42. I, she and you are criminals.

44. The jury is divided over their decision.

45. Each boy and girl should complete their task on time.

  Common Error || Part -B   

1. It was a pity that/ neither of the five boys was present/ to witness the match.

2. Mr. Sharma is/ one of those/ who never comes late/ in the class.

3. It is easier/ to take about a problem/ than/ to solve them.

4. Had we been alone/ we would have countered ourselves/ with any plan food that/ give us strength.

5. I am certain/ that none of these two books is useful to/ the students of 8th standard.

6. The purpose of this book/ however is not to discuss these basis issues/ in its various.

7. The principal/ and the chairman/ have tendered his resignation.

8. Everything depends/ on them having the courage of/ their convictions.

9. Let you and i/ ponder over the basis question/ that students do/ not get good guidance.

10.After every students/ has turned in their paper/ the teacher/dismissed the class.

II. It was her/ who suggested that/ you be at the door/ to welcome each participant on his arrival.

12.Needless to say both Ramesh and me/ will do our best/ to complete the Project/ on scheduled.

13. I would like to meet Mr. Carter/ whom I think/ is the man/ you mean

14. Wine tends to lose/ their flavour/ when it has/ not been properly sealed.

15. If one knew the fact/ you would not/be so quick/ to criticize.

16.Sangeeta and myself/ went to the Patna market/ to purchase/ a pair of shoes.

17. My parents do not like/ me going/ to movies/along with friends every day.

18.He seldom/absent from/ the class.

19.1 help / everyone of my friends/ in solving/ their problems.

20. I have read/ your poem/ and which/ is well written.

21. There is someone/ on telephone line/ which would like/ to speak to you.

22. The scientist and the thinker/ have expressed/himself against the use of atom bomb.

23. It is a fact that/ neither of the two sons /loves their mother.

24. Both he and me/ were requested/ to join the party/ but we refused to join it

25. After exchanging hot words the two young boys/ Ramesh and Suresh/ struck one another

26. According to some people/ the Mahabharata is/ one of the greatest epics/ that has ever been written.

27. If one wants to/ become great in life/ he must /think of others.

28. You are considered / the best of all students as you have seldom/absent from the class.

29. Not only Ram/ but also friends/ were told by the Principal/ to mind his own work.

30. If I were him/ I would have certainly dissolved the assembly/ and would have asked for fresh elections. 

 Common Error || Part – C   

1) Unless two or more members / object to him joining the group, we shall have to accept his application for membership. /No error

2) our dog may look / fierce but that / wouldn’t hurt even a fly /No error

3) All the doubts / are cleared / between you and I / No error

4) I shall avail of the opportunity to / meet Vivek Bindra / No error

5) Put you in my position / and you will realise the problems faced in my profession / No error

6) Here is the man / whom I think / committed the crime / No error

 7) He took / his brother/ with himself /No error

8) Sheetal talked on the phone for hours /who really irritated her parents / No error

9) Bansal sir, being a good teacher / he is selected for the national award / No error

10) It was in 2014 / that we first /flew to the USA / No error

11) you should / keep yourself from /bad boys. / no error 

12) sohan together with / his friends has come to the party. / no error

13) She made / your mention at/ the farewell party / no error

14) I can’t bear (1)/ your separation (2)/ for long (3)/ no error 

15) At their sight (1)/ the robbers fled (2)/ and they could not do anything (3)/ no error

16) Of the two brothers / who is / more intelligent. / no error 

17) There is / no country but / is corrupt. / no error

18) None of his arms (1)/ was (2)/ injured in the accident (3)/ no error 

19) There were none (1)/ but cried (2)/ their eyes out (3)/ no error

20) I will give you a novel (1)/ tomorrow and the same is (2)/ written by (3)/ one of the best selling authors (4)/ no error 

21) She bought a bungalow (1)/ and is (2)/ living in the same (3)/ no error

22) Let arjun and she (1)/ complete this job (2)/ as they like to do it (3)/ no error

23) They that (1)/ hanker after mo (2)/ and fame are likely to be disappointed (3) / no error

24) She is the same girl who (1)/ always likes to (2)/ boast of her beauty (3)/ no error

25) You, I and he (1)/ should take this (2)/ examination seriously (3)/ no error

26) You and I (1)/ will be punished (2)/ for this stupidity (3)/ no error 

27) They, you and we (1)/ are (2)/ leaving for Delhi tomorrow (3)/ no error


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