Antonyms NDA + SSC
स्वागत, आप सभी students and users का इस पर आज के इस पोस्ट में आप ANTONYMS के बारे में full details में अध्ययन करेंगे
इस पोस्ट में आपको step by step सभी चीज़े बताये जायेंगे, तो सबसे पहले हम यह जान लेते है कि ANTONYMS किसे कहते है
यह पर आपको एक sentence दिया गया है जिसमें एक bold वाला word है आपको उसका meaning समझ कर उसका opposite meaning वाला word को choose करना है
1. John is always shabbily dressed.
( bold word का अर्थ- मैला कुचैला )
(a) decently
(b) beautifully
(c) extravagantly
(d) scantily
2. The new manager of the Bank is urbane in his manners.
( Bold word का अर्थ- सभ्य, विनम्र )
(a) civilised
(b) slow
(c) rude
(d) foolish
3. It is necessary to develop thrifty habits to be able to lead a comfortable life
( Bold word का अर्थ- मितव्ययी )
(a) expensive
(b) extravagant
(c) economical
(d) good
4. Many people suffer because of pride
( Bold word का अर्थ- घमंड )
(a) lowliness
(b) submission
(c) humility
(d) obedience
5. He handled the machine with deft fingers
( Bold word का अर्थ- चतुर, चालाकी )
(a) delicate
(b) sturdy
(c) quick
(d) clumsy
6. I was deeply affected by his urbane behaviour
( Bold word का अर्थ- सभ्य, विनम्र )
(a) rural
(b) rude
(c) irrational
(d) indifferent
7. His timidity proved costly
( Bold word का अर्थ- कायरता )
(a) arrogance
(b) boldness
(c) skilfulness
(d) cunning
8. Arrangements were made to handle the mammoth gathering tactfully
( Bold word का अर्थ- बड़ा, विशाल )
(a) significant
(b) small
(c) unruly
(d) noisy
9. He was engrossed in his work when I walked in
( Bold word का अर्थ- लीन होना, मगन होना )
(a) occupied
(b) inattentive
(c) engaged
(d) absent
10. These are the main points of the preceding paragraph
( Bold word का अर्थ- पीछे का )
(a) following
(b) previous
(c) first
(d) last
11. He made a shrewd guess
( Bold word का अर्थ- सही, सटीक )
(a) clever
(b) wild
(c) incorrect
(d) discriminating
12. He is suffering from a severe cough
( Bold word का अर्थ- गहरा, गंभीर )
(a) violent
(b) mild
(c) bad
(d) continuous
13. Cumulatively, the effect of these drugs is quite bad
( Bold word का अर्थ- इक्कठा, संचयी )
(a) individually
(b) obviously
(c) clearly
(d) collectively
14. He was conspicuous because of his colourful shirt.
( Bold word का अर्थ- विशिष्ट, ध्यान देने योग्य )
(a) charming
(b) ugly
(c) small
(d) unnoticeable
15. He hates these continual arguments with his friend.
( Bold word का अर्थ- निरंतर )
(a) repeated
(b) irrational
(c) occasional
(d) regular
16. Ramesh is a very dubious character.
( Bold word का अर्थ- संशयपूर्ण )
(a) shady
(b) suspicious
(c) trustworthy
(d) doubtful
17. Do not indulge in unmindful activities, please.
( Bold word का अर्थ- अनजान, पागल, बेखबर )
(a) vigilant
(b) careless
(c) stupid
(d) fatuous
18. He is suffering from a curable disease.
( Bold word का अर्थ- साधय )
(a) remediable
(b) treatable
(c) terminal
(d) operable
19. He was born on a very auspicious day
( Bold word का अर्थ- शुभ )
(a) propitious
(b) fortunate
(c) ominous
(d) opportune
20. He has deeper hostility towards Mohan.
( Bold word का अर्थ- दुश्मनी )
(a) animosity
(b) belligerence
(c) malice
(d) friendship
21. His life is rather monotonous
( Bold word का अर्थ- नीरस, उबाऊ )
(a) exciting
(b) dreary
(c) tedious
(d) uneventful
22. The country’s economy must be geared to wartime requirements
( Bold word का अर्थ- ठीक करना, ऋण अनुपात )
(a) subordinated to
(b) related to
(c) adjusted to
(d) unlinked to
23. Why does fire attract insects ?
( Bold word का अर्थ- आकर्षित करना )
(a) discharge
(b) destroy
(c) repel
(d) remove
24. The party was excellent, and I would like to thank all the people concerned
( Bold word का अर्थ- सम्बंधित )
(a) cared
(b) attentive
(c) dependable
(d) uninvolved
25. He is very serious by temperament
( Bold word का अर्थ- गंभीर )
(a) grave
(b) trivial
(c) sober
(d) stupid
26. There are a few miscellaneous items to discuss in this meeting
( Bold word का अर्थ- मिश्रित, मिला -जुला )
(a) pure
(b) mixed
(c) homogenous
(d) discordant
27. Due to the postal strike, the outgoing mail got delayed
( Bold word का अर्थ- बाहर आना )
(a) urgent
(b) incoming
(c) ordinary
(d) speedy
28. He had a fine ear for music
( Bold word का अर्थ- अच्छा, चिकना )
(a) small
(b) close
(c) coarse
(d) smooth
29. There is no likeness between him and his brother.
( Bold word का अर्थ- समानता )
(a) unlikeliness
(b) unlikelihood
(c) dissimilarity
(d) disaffinity
30. Cultural diversity in the working place is good for business
( Bold word का अर्थ- विविधताएँ, विभिन्नताये )
(a) uniformity
(b) conformity
(c) identity
(d) similarity
31. The company was liquidated within five years
(a) bankrupt
(b) closed down
(c) flourishing
(d) privatised
32. He nodded absently throughout the meeting.
(a) capably
(b) alertly
(c) agitatedly
(d) dreamily
33. I fully believe that the cornerstone of good policy is an electorate that is educated on the national issues.
(a) cerebral
(b) enlightened
(c) ignorant
(d) erudite
34. For important medical decisions, even finding a doctor you trust is not enough.
(a) significant
(b) trivial
(c) basic
(d) probable
35. Plants move in their orbits
(a) push
(b) rotate
(c) stall
(d) flow
36. Temperature is a measure of internal energy of an object and is frequently expressed by physicists in units of Kelvin.
(a) found
(b) told
(c) distributed
(d) concealed
37.. People argue about why Venus is so much warmer than the Earth.
(a) friendlier
(b) colder
(c) wilder
(d) heavier
38. Scientists are concerned whether the oceans and land biosphere will take up as much carbon in the future as they presently do.
(a) worried
(b) indifferent
(c) curious
(d) puzzled
39. The biggest debate among scientists today is about cloud feedback.
(a) contend
(b) moot
(c) wrangle
(d) agreement
40. The Earth’s climate sensitivity is conventionally defined as the equili brium temperature increase caused by a doubling of carbon dioxide.
(a) imperviousness
(b) willingness
(c) responsiveness
(d) closeness
41. The oceans carry a huge amount of heat from the tropics to the high latitudes.
(a) significant
(b) major
(c) tiny
(d) dormant
42. He found her extremely attractive and charming.
(a) unnatural
(b) modern
(c) repulsive
(d) disapproving
43. The sky is boundless.
(a) high
(b) vast
(c) expansive
(d) finite
44. The sky is clear today.
(a) bright
(b) opaque
(c) cloudless
(d) blue
45. I have a fascination for deep waters.
(a) dark
(b) light
(c) dangerous
(d) shallow
46. My boss has been too generous.
(a) stingy
(b) rough
(c) evil
(d) hostile
47. Spring is a time of plenty.
(c) roughness
(d) dryness
(a) ugliness
(b) scarcity
48. He is an industrious workman.
(a) active
(b) productive
(c) lazy
(d) disloyal
49. Plants grow in abundance here.
(a) shrivel
(b) stretch
(c) spread
(d) enlarge
50. She rarely comes here.
(a) seldom
(b) never
(c) always
(d) frequently
51. She is a rather crooked woman.
(a) polite
(b) generous
(c) straightforward
(d) happy
52. My first lecture in the classroom was a fiasco.
(a) success
(b) joy
(c) fun.
(d) disaster
53. It was indeed arduous to cross streets in
New York.
(a) pleasant
(b) effortless
(c) interesting
(d) risky
54. Unlike his brother, he is affable,
(a) reserved
(b) gullible
(c) irritable
(d) lovable
55. The birth of his child decidedly proved to be an auspicious event in his life.
(a) precious
(b) ominous
(c) useless
(d) unforgettable
56. The witness corroborated word for word the statement of the victim.
(a) accepted
(b) confirmed
(c) denied
(d) repeated
Pick Out The Opposite
1. Terminate
(a) hasten
(b) depart
(c) begin
(d) change
2. Proclaim
(a) denounce
(b) pretend
(c) attend
(d) distend
3. Luminous
(a) dark
(b) ludicrous
(c) unsteady
(d) provoking
4. Profane
(a) pious
(b) kitten
(c) energy
(d) wild
5. Radical
(a) superficial
(b) plow
(c) sorrow
(d) simple
6. Amalgamate
(a) merge
(b) split
(c) collect
(d) separate
7. Successor
(a) failure
(b) loser
(c) predecessor
(d) predator
8. Contradiction
(a) opposition
(b) adjustment
(c) confirmation
(d) agreement
9. Vague
(a) clear
(b) dull
(c) unknown
(d) shady
10. Shallow
(a) height
(b) long
(c) wide
(d) deep
11. Virtue
(a) vice
(b) failure
(c) fault
(d) offence
12. Barren
(a) fertile
(b) rich
(c) prosperous
(d) positive
13. Dynamic
(a) stable
(b) still
(c) lazy
(d) static
14. Diligent
(a) intelligent
(b) lazy
(c) boastful
(d) notorious
15. Barbarous
(a) improved
(b) cordial
(c) civilized
(d) modified
16. Opaque
(a) dim
(b) transparent
(c) filmy
(d) muddy
17. Dim
(a) transparent
(b) luminous
(c) opaque
(d) dazzling
18. Erudite
(a) illiterate
(b) crude
(c) boring
(d) ignorant
19. Desecration
(a) hopelessness
(b) disbelief
(c) veneration
(d) manifestation
20. Include
(a) embrace
(b) embody
(c) eliminate
(d) enclose
21. Culmination
(a) completion
(b) climax
(c) conclusion
(d) beginning
I hope कि ये पोस्ट आपको helpful लगा होगा यदि यह पोस्ट आपको helpful लगा तो इस पोस्ट को अपने friends और other students को share अवश्य करें, जिससे कि वो सब भी इस पोस्ट को पढ़कर Hindi to English Translation सीख सकें
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