Trick to Remember all MCQs of Rainbow Book BSEB Poetry Section

LESSON-1 | Sweetest Love I do not Goe 

Word Power :

1. Alive – जीवित  

2. Believe – विश्वास करना 

3. Blood – खून 

4. Chance – मौक़ा  

5. Deaths-मृत्यु 

6. Decay-सड़ जाना 

7. Die– मरना 

8. Divining – स्वर्गीय 

9. Dye-मरना 

10. Fears-भय 

11. Feeble -कमजोर कर देना

12. Fortune– भाग्य 

13. Heart– दिल 

14. Fulfil-पूरा करना 

15. Hopе-आशा 

16. Jest– मस्ती में 

17. Joke-मजाक 

18. Parted-अलग होना 

19. Recall-बुलाना 

20. Satires– व्यंग 

21. Sermons-प्रवचन  


24.Sonnets-चौदह पंक्ति की कविता  


26. Strained-मरोड़ 

27. Strength-ताकत 

28. Tiredness-थकान 

29. Thou-तुम 

30. Waste-बेकार 

31. Weariness-थकान 

32. Whimsical-सनकी 

33. Wing-पंख 

34. Joyne-दूसरा 

35. Destiny-भाग्य 

36. Forethink-पूर्वानुमान 

37. turn aside– करवट बदलकर सोना 

38. Fained-मजबूर, विवश 

39. Fitter-ज्यादा अच्छा 

40. Soule-आत्मा  

About the Poet 

1. Name– John Donne

2. Birth– 1572

3. Death– 1631

4. Place– London

5. Worked as– Poet, Lawyer, Cleric

6. Known as– Metaphysical Poet

7. Award– No

8. Notable books– Holy Sonnet, The Flea, The Rising Sun

Highlights : 

1. Ann More

2. Roman Catholic Family

3. Studied Law

4. Read Theology

5. Went to Germany

6. Known for Songs, Sonnet, Elegies, Satires and Sermons

7. He was briefly sent to prison for secretly marrying his patron’s niece

Answer the question 

1. Why does the poet want to go away from his beloved ? 

कवि अपनी प्रेमिका से दूर क्यों जाना चाहता है ?

The poet wants to go away from his beloved because he thinks that death is certain. He wants to amuse himself.

2. What are the things that the sun does not have?

सूरज के पास क्या क्या चीजें नही होता है ?

The sun has neither desire nor sense. He has not shorter way to complete its journey.

3. What will make the speaker’s journey speedier?

वक्ता की यात्रा को क्या तेज कर देगा ?

More wings and motive make the speaker’s journey speedier?

4. What makes a man’s power feeble?

आदमी के बल को क्या चीजें कमजोर कर देती है ?

Man’s dependence on fortune makes his power feeble. 

LESSON-2 | Song of Myself

Word Power :

1. Spear-भाला 

2. Absence-अनुपस्थिति 

3. Appreciation-प्रशंसा 

4. Assume-मान लेना 

5. Belongs-अधिकार 

6. Cease-समाप्त होना, रोकना 

7. Celebrate-मनाना 

8. Check-जांचना 

9. Creeds-धार्मिक विश्वास

10. Death-मृत्यु 

11. Dedication-समर्पण 

12. Ease-आराम देना 

13. Sufficed-काफी तेज 

14. Forgotten-भूल गया 

15. Expense-खर्च करना 

16. Form-बनाना 

17. Harbor-विश्वाश करना 

18. Hazard-नुकसानदायक

19. Hopе-आशा 

20. Individualसंकट

21. Innovative-नया 

22. Invite-पुकारना 

23. Lean – झुकना / आराम करना

24. Literary-साहित्यकी 

25. Perfect– उचित, पूर्ण 

26. Loafe – घुमना / भटकना

27. Myself- मैं खुद 

28. Nature-प्रकृति 

29. Observe-महसूस करना 

30. Original-वास्तविक 

31. Own-अपना

32. Parents-माता पिता 

33. Permit-आज्ञा देना 

34. Same-बराबर 

35. Schools-सोचने का ढंग 

36. Sing-गाना 

37. Soul-आत्मा

About the Poet   

1. Name-Walt Whitman

2. Birth– 1819

3. Death-1892

4. Place-West Hills, New York, America

5. Worked as: Carpenter, Editor, Printer, Teacher, Volunteer

6. Known as: People’s Poet

7. Award: Golden Kites

8. Notable Books: Leaves of Grass, Drum Taps


1. Leaves of Grass – 1855

2. Drum Taps – 1866

3. Poet’s blood is made of soil and air

4. He was 37 years old

5. Worked as Carpenter for 12 years

6. Served as Volunteer in American Civil War

Answer the question 

1. What is meant by “Nature without check with original energy?

‘नेचर बिथआउट चेक बिथ ओरिजिनल एनर्जी’ का क्या मतलब होता है ?

Harbour and Hazard are meant by nature without check with original energy.

2. What does Walt Whitman observe in summer?

वाल्ट विटमेन गर्मी में क्या महसुस करते है ?

Walt Whitman observes a spear of grass in summer.

3. What has formed the speaker’s blood ? 

स्पीकर का खून क्या चीज से बना हुआ है ? 

The soil and the air formed the speaker’s blood.

LESSON-3 | Now the Leaves are falling Fast 

Word Power :

1.Active = फुर्तीला 

2. Archaic = अप्रचिलित, पुरातन

3. Ahead = आगे 

4. Ahead = आगे 

5. Angle = देवदूत 

6.Archaic =अप्रचिलित, पुरातन

7. Arms = बाँह 

8.Attitude = हावभाव 

9.Awareness = जागृति 

10.Bless = आशीर्वाद

11. Cold = ठंडा

12. Critic = आलोचक

13. Dead = मृत

14. Delight = खुशी

15. Exhibit = दिखाना

16. False = झूठा

17. Frustration  = कुंठा

18. Follow = मानना

19. Knees = घुटना

20. Nightingale = बुलबुल

21. Impossible = असंभव

22. Inherent प्रकतिक, संभावित

23. Freeze = निष्क्रिय

24. Lonely = अकेला

25. Poet = कवि

26. Nurse’s flower = छोटे पौधे

27. Pluck= तोड़ना

28. Prams = बच्चे की गाड़ी

28. Raised = उठा हुआ

29. Real = वास्तविक

30. Reprove = डांटना

31. Rolling = लुढ़कना

32. Separate= अलग होना

33. Starving = भूख से मरना

34. Stiffly = मुश्किल से

35. Track =  तरीका, रास्ता 

36. Travellers = यात्री, पर्यटक

37. Scolding= डांटना

38. Leaves = पत्ते

39. Trolls = ( मछली पकड़ने का जाल ) 

40. Versatile = ( परिवर्तनशील, प्रतिभाशाली )

41. Vigorous = जोशीला

42. Waterfall = जलप्रपात, निर्झर

43. Whispering neighbour = यमदूत

44. Wooden लकड़ी का

45. Woods = जंगल

About the Poet : 

1. Name– W. H. Auden

2. Birth– 1907

3. Death-1973

4. Place-England | Austria 

5. Worked asPoet, Teacher, Critic, Editor, Army

6. Known as– Modern Poet

7. Award– Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award

8. Notable Books– The Age of Anxiety, Funeral Blues, The Orators

 Highlights :

1. Worked in Spanish Civil War

2. He moved to America in 1939

3. Became American in 1946

4. George Augustus Auden-Father

5. Constance Rosalie Bicknell Auden-Mother

6. His works divided in British & American phases

 Answer the Question : 

1. What do “Trolls” do in the leafless wood? 

वीरान जंगल में ट्रॉल्स क्या करते है ?

Trolls run in search of their food in the leafless wood.

2. Who are the Travellers” and how will they be blesses? 

यात्री कौन है और उन्हें कैसे आशीर्वाद दिया जायेगा ? 

Old persons are the travellers and they are blessed with their last distress and that is death.

3. Who are the “whispering neighbours?”

‘विस्परिंग नेबर’ कौन है ?

Messengers of death are the wishpering neighbours who come when a human body is dead.

LESSON-4 | Ode to Autumn 

Word Power :

1. Abroad ( विदेश ) 

2. Achieve ( प्राप्त करना ) 

3. Acquaintance ( जान पहचान) 

4. Ambition ( महात्वाकांक्षा ) 

5. Asleep ( सोया हुआ ) 

6. Barred ( रुका हुआ / बाधित) 

7. Bend ( झुकना )

8. Bleat ( मिमयाना ) 

9. Bloom ( खिलना) 

10. Bourn ( भूमि )

11. Brook ( नदी ) 

12. Budding (आखें लगाना ) 

13. Carless ( लापरवाह ) 

14. Cease ( जब्त करना ) 

15. Cell ( मधुकोष) 

16. Choir ( गायक मंडली )

17. Clammy ( चिपचिपा ) 

18. Close bossom friend ( जिगरी दोस्त ) 

19. Core ( पुरा / भरपुर) 

20. Cottage ( झोपड़ी )

21. Drowsed ( उँघा हुआ ) 

22. Thatched Eaves ( फॅस का छज्जा / फॅस का घर )

23. Entitled ( शीर्षक ) 

24. Fume ( सुगंध )

25. Furrow ( कुंड-खेतो की क्यारी ) 

26. Garden-croft– ( बगीचे की भूमि )

27. Swallow (अबाबील )

28. Whoever ( जो कोई ) 

29. Willful ( जान-बुझकर )

30. Gathering ( जमा करना )

31. Gleaner ( संग्रहकर्ता ) 

32. Gnats ( छोटे कीड़े ) 

33. Gourd ( कद्दू ) 

34. Granary ( अनाज की कोठी ) 

35. Greatness ( महानता )

36. Hazel (अखरोट ) 

37. Hedge-cricket ( झींगुर ) 

38. Hilly ( पहाड़ी ) 

39. Hook ( खूँटी/हुक/फॅसा हुआ ) 

40. Kernel (बीज ) 

41. Laden ( लदा हुआ ) 

42. Load ( भरना )

43. Whistle ( सीटी बजाना )

44. Maturing ( परिपकव्  )

45. Mellow fruitfulness ( कोमल मीठा भरपुर ) 

46. Mists ( कोहरा )

47. Mourn ( शोक मनाना ) 

48. Mythology ( गाथा )

49. Oozing ( टपकना )

50. Plump ( मांशल )

51. Poppies ( धतूरे का फूल )

52. Red-breast ( रोबिन चिड़ियाँ ) 

53. Vines ( लता )

54. Ripeness ( पका हुआ )

55. Shells ( कवच, शंख ) 

About the Author   

Name John Keats

Birth – 1795

Death – 1821

Place – Moonfield, London 

Worked as – Poet

Known as– Romantic Poet

Award– No

Notable Books– Endymion, To Autumn, To a Nightingale, Keat’s Poems

 Highlights :  

1. Studied at Clark’s School at Enfield

2. Interested in Cricket and Boxing

3. Interested in Greek Mythology

4. Died of Tuberculosis at the age of 26

 Answer the Question : 

1. What happens in autumn ?

ऑटम में क्या होता है ?

All fruits get ripeness and flowers bloom in autumn. All birds start to sing to see the sweetness of the season. 

2. In what sense does the sun conspire with autumn ?

किस प्रकार का षडयंत्र सूरज रचते है ऑटम के साथ मिलकर ?

The sun conspires with the autumn by offering fruits and flowers. Its ray makes the fruit fleshy, fat and tasty.

LESSON-5 | An Epitaph 

Word Power :

1. Beauty = ( सुन्दरता, खूबसुरती )

2. Concerns= ( दिलचस्पी, सहानुभुति, चिंता )

3. Crumble= ( चूर चूर होना, मर जाना )

4. Evincing = ( इशारा करना )

5. However= ( फिर भी, जैसे भी )

6. Interest= ( दिलचस्पी )

7.Genius = ( प्रवीण, प्रतिभाशाली ) 

8. Lady = ( महिला, औरत )

9. Lies = ( लुप्त होना ) 

10. Light of step and heart= ( उद्वेश्यहीन घूम )

11.Melancholy= ( निराशाजनक )

12. Passes = ( निकल जाना )

13. Rare = ( दुर्लभ )

14. Remember = ( याद करना ) 

15. Sensitive= ( भावुक, संवेदनशील )

16. Supernatural = ( अलौकिक ) 

17. Themes = ( मूल विषय )

18.Vanishes = ( लुप्त होना )

About the Poet 

Name– Walter De La Mare

Birth– 1873


Place– Charlton, Kent, England 

Worked asPoet, Short story writer, Novelist 

Known as– Children’s poet

Award– Order of Merit (1953)

Notable Books– The Peacock Pie, Songs for Children,

Highlights :  

1. He lost his father at the age of 4

2. He moved to London with his mother

3. He is known for sensitive concerns with children

4. Queen Elizabeth II honoured him “Order of Merit” 1953

5. The poet makes us aware of the inhuman condition of modern life

6. Lady had the habit of moving here & there

7. Epitaph is an inscription on a tomb 

Answer the Question  

1. Where does the lady lie?

लेडी कहाँ लेटी हुई है ? 

The lady lies in an epitaph. She lies there in the memory of love.

2. What does the poet think about beauty?

सुंदरता के बारे में कवि क्या सोचते है ?

The poet Walter De La Mare thinks about the beauty that beauty is very rare but it is short lived and it will disappear one day.

3. What does the poet mean when he says, ” And when I will crumble?”

कवि का क्या मतलब होता है ज बवह कहते है एंड व्हेन आई विल कंबल ? 

The poet means when he says “And when I will crumble that when he dies there will be nobody to remember that lady.

 Word Power :  



 About the Poet 



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 Answer the Question  



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 About the Poet 



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 Answer the Question  



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 About the Poet 



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 Answer the Question  



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 About the Poet 



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 About the Poet 



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 Answer the Question  




Amar’s Classes for English

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