H. E. Bates, His Full Name was Herbert Ernest Bates CBE. He was an English Author and Short Story Writer. He was born in 16 May, 1905 in Rushden, United Kingdom and Died in 29 January, 1974 in Canterbury, United Kingdom. His Important Works Includes, Fair Stood the Wind for France, The Purple Plain, The Jacaranda Tree, The Scarlet Sword and The Darling Buds of May

“The Earth” is written by English writer H.E. Bates. It shows the story of a man named Johnson who is thrown out of his house by his own son named Benjy. Benjy is a simple-minded son. His parents all the time worry about his well being.
He takes him to a doctor who suggests him to help him (Benjy) to start a business of poultry farming. Benjy works hard and soon becomes a very rich person in the area. Benjy married a girl named Florence against the wishes of his parents.
Since the house, in which they live has been bought by Benjy, he compels them to shift their room in which they have slept all their lives. One day he drives them away from the house too. Johnson, the father and his mother are left alone on an unfamiliar road to help themselves.

Acre : जमीन का एक टुकड़ा जो 480 Sq. Yard का हो
Imbecile : मन से कमजोर / मुर्ख
Persuaded : यकीन करनेवाला / मनाना
Wire Coop : तारो का जाल के साथ एक बंद जगह
Speckled : धब्बेदार
Scraps : भोजन द्वार में छोड़ना
Seeded Cabbage : वैसा CABBAGE जो बहुत समय से खेत में बचा हो जिसकी वजह से उसमे फूल और बीज का उत्पादन हुआ हो।
Gleaned : जुटाया हुआ / जमा हुआ
Stubble : अनाज का एक डंठल (डाली )
Thrives : फलना या पनपना
Commercialized : वाणिज्यीकरण
Pecked Nourishment : खाना उठाना
Nesting- box : डब्बे से बना NEST
Basin : कटोरा
Laying Pullets : युवा मुर्गी जिन्होंने अंडे देना शुरू कर दिया हो
Hawk : माल उतरना
Segregate : अलग
White leghorns and Rhode island : मुर्गी का दो प्रसिद्ध नस्ल
Stubbornly : हठपूर्वक
Congregations : पंडितो की सभा
Gnawed : निबटा हुआ / कुतरना
Diligent : मेहनती
Tremor : तरकश
Pulpit : मंच
Distracted : बगल में
Inviolate : किसी भी खतरे के लिए खुला नहीं रहना
Chronicle : अभिलेख
Antagonism : अस्वस्थता
Scoured : मलना या रगड़ना / साफ करना
Immobile : स्थिर
Stupefied : दंग रहना / व्यग्र