Sentence Improvement-SSC

  Sentence Improvement  

Sentence Improvement is a type of grammatical practice where a sentence is given with a bold word or phrase that requires grammatical changes improvement.
This sentence requires modification grammatically and contextually to have a better understanding of the same.
Sentence Improvement एक प्रकार का Grammar अभ्यास है जहाँ पर एक वाक्य में bold अक्षर में शब्द दिया रहता है जिसके जगह पर आपको option में दिए गए शब्द से replace करना पड़ता है 

Example : 

I am seeing the television.

(a) watching
(b) looking
(c) observing
(d) No improvement.

इसका correct answer (a) watching होगा क्योंकि चलती हुई picture को देखने में watching का प्रयोग होता है 
इसी को हम Sentence Improvement कहते है 

 1. The loud and incessant chatter worries your father who is trying to concentrate.

(1) aggravates
(2) annoys
(3) disturbs
(4) No improvement

2. When the owner offered tea, the peon denied it.

(1) disliked 
(2) declined
(3) disobeyed
(4) No improvement

3. The bullet struck a wall and was diverted from its course.

(1) twisted
(2) reflected
(3) deflected
(4) No improvement 

4. When the Inspector of Police said this, we knew whom he was eluding.

(1) intending
(2) referring to
(3) hinting
(4) No improvement

5. The driver was dazzled by the bright light of approaching car.
(1) twinkled
(2) flashed
(3) glowed 
(4) No improvement 

6. The T.V. news is doctored by non professionals and whetted by political higher-ups.

(1) wetted 
(2) vetted
(3) written
(4) No improvement  

7. The traveller commanded of the peasant he would tell him the way to the nearest village.

(1) exclaimed of the peasant if he would
(2) enquired of the peasant if he could
(3) replied of the peasant whether he will
(4) No improvement 

8. He is fond of saving money.

(1) hoarding
(2) not spending
(3) spending carefully
(4) No improvement

9. He is in want of a reliable servant.

(1) refused
(2) needs
(3) declined
(4) No improvement 

10. The Victorian Era noted the end of human dependence on religion.

(1) marked
(2) showed
(3) indicated
(4) No Improvement 

11. I had my ears bored, so I could wear my diamond ear-rings.

(1) holed
(2) pricked
(3) pierced
(4) No improvement 

12. It is interesting to correspond the history of the 19th century with its literature.

(1) corroborate 
(2) correlate
(3) command
(4) No improvement 

13. He declined all the allegations against him. 

(1) spurned
(2) refused
(3) refuted 
(4) No improvement 

14. The officer asked his secretary to remember him about the meeting.

(1) recall
(2) remind
(3) recollect
(4) No improvement

15. He denied to be party to the deal.
(1) refused
(2) disagreed
(3) rejected
(4) No improvement 

16. Keats says the idea very poems. well in his

(1) speaks
(2) describes
(3) expresses
(4) No improvement

17. In the desert, the sun is the master, all else resigns before its merciless rays.

(1) collapses
(2) falls
(3) retires
(4) No improvement

18. The suspected couple was taken away from the airport through a side entrance to the police station for interrogation.

(1) whisked
(2) rushed
(3) guided
(4) No improvement 

19. The transport workers have organised a strike asking for more salary.

(1) demanding
(2) begging
(3) requesting
(4) No improvement

20. To get into the building, I’ll disguise as a reporter
(1) disguise to be
(2) disguise as one
(3) disguise myself
(4) No improvement 
21. A callous system generates but a misanthrope.
(1) develops
(2) induces
(3) produces
(4) No improvement 

22. The shortage of fuel has obstacled interstate transportation.

(1) facilitated
(2) hampered
(3) burdened
(4) No improvement

23. Your answer book will be answered with the help of a computer.

(1) judged 
(2) tested
(3) evaluated
(4) seen

24. He throwed it out of the window.

(1) threw
(2) throw. 
(3) thrown
(4) No improvement

25. Marconi assembled the radio.
(1) discovered
(2) made
(3) invented
(4) No improvement

26. He was released from the hospital yesterday.
(1) let out
(2) discharged
(3) dismissed
(4) No improvement 

27. He hanged his portrait in the main hall.

(1) hang
(2) hung
(3) had hanged
(4) No improvement 

28. The relatives comforted the old man whose wife had died. 

(1) sympathized with
(2) pitied
(3) consoled
(4) No improvement

29. His speech was broadcasted over the radio last Thursday.
(1) was broadcast
(2) had been broadcast
(3) has been broadcast
(4) No improvement 

30. He took disadvantage of the situation and cheated many people.

(1) chance
(2) advantage
(3) disapproval
(4) No improvement 

31. All the candidates will give a test on Friday.
(1) appear
(2) take
(3) accept
(4) No improvement 

32. He cited a number of reasons for his absence.

(1) sited
(2) recited 
(3) sighted
(4) No improvement

33. When are you starting to write to your friend? 

(1) wanting
(2) going
(3) thinking
(4) No improvement 

34. I will be giving blood in the hospital at 9.00 a.m. tomorrow.

(1) exchanging
(2) contributing
(3) donating
(4) No improvement 

35. To alleviate the pain of losing his only son, he took up meditation.

(1) lessen
(2) minimise
(3) lesson and has be
(4) No improvement 

36. The Prime Minister established a commission to look after the plight of the widows.

(1) formed
(2) created
(3) set up
(4) No improvement

37. Flowers embellishment the beauty of our surroundings.

(1) replenish
(2) enhance 
(3) destroys
(4) No improvement

38. My foot is paining.

(1) aching
(2) ailing.
(3) hurting
(4) No improvement 

39. The greater part of the building has been destroyed.

(1) spoiled
(2) demolished
(3) disturbed
(4) No improvement 

40. If you can afford a new car, your business must be looking up.

(1) flourishing
(2) improving
(3) increasing
(4) No improvement 

41. The police would be employed at all places to beef up security.

(1) deployed
(2) appointed
(3) encouraged
(4) No improvement 

42. He told his tale of woe with tears in his eyes.

(1) narrated
(2) recited
(3) was telling
(4) narrate 

43. Have you taken your breakfast?

(1) had
(2) eaten
(3) done
(4) No improvement 

44. The dictator declared an emergency in the country. 

(1) proposed
(2) decreed
(3) ordered 
(4) No improvement 

45. The passengers were afraid, but the captain consoled them that there was no danger.

(1) guaranteed
(2) assured 
(3) confided
(4) No improvement 

46. The bell was ringing and ringing but no one picked up the phone.

(1) rang and rang 
(2) rang repeatedly
(3) was ringing repeatedly
(4) No improvement 

47. As a wise old man, the Chief of the Apaches imagined a time when the white men and his fellow Indians would no longer fight for the land.

(1) think
(3) expect
(2) forecast
(4) envisaged 

48. The frightened convict wept for mercy.
(1) mumbled
(2) pleaded
(3) shouted
(4) No improvement 

49. I cannot say it to you right will discuss it tomorrow.

(1) demand
(2) expect
(3) explain
(4) No improvement 

50. The position gives an excellent remuneration. 

(1) offers
(2) carries
(3) holds
(4) No improvement 

51. The temptations that bestow young people today are ruining them.

(1) appeal
(2) beset
(3) confront
(4) No improvement 

52. He makes excellent portraits.

(1) paints
(2) portrays
(3) illustrates
(4) No improvement 

53. Students will have to take the test again tomorrow.

(1) apply the test
(2) avoid the test
(3) retain the test
(4) No improvement

I hope कि ये पोस्ट आपको helpful लगा होगा यदि यह पोस्ट आपको helpful लगा तो इस पोस्ट को अपने friends और other students को share अवश्य करें, जिससे कि वो सब भी इस पोस्ट को पढ़कर Sentence Improvement को सीख सकें

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