Present tense | Must be Watch !!!

 NOTE : कोई भी Tense 4 तरह के Sentence से बनाई जाती है I

  • Affirmative Sentence
  • Negative Sentence
  • Interrogative Sentence
  • WH Family Sentence


A Tense expressing an action that is currently Going on is called Present Tense.

Example :   Amar wants to sing.
                    The movie is fantastic.
                    I am going to the London.
                    Amar Writes the Letter.


1) Simple Present tense / Present Indefinite tense – 

इस Tense का प्रयोग (General Statement) सामान्य कथन, (Habit) आदत , (General  or Everlasting Truth) सामान्य  या चिरंतन सत्य आदि का बोध कराने के लिए होता  है 
हिंदी वाक्यों में इसका स्वरुप  “ता है, ती है, ता हूँ, ते है, ते हो” आदि वाला होता है . 

 Rule of Making 


If Subject is  Third Person Singular Number ” HE, SHE, IT, OR ANY NAME ” , then you use ” + S/ES “ with Verb.

If Subject is First Person, Second Person or Third Person Plural Number ” I, YOU, WE, THEY, GIRLS, BOYS “, then you don’t use  ” +S/ES ” with Verb.

# Rule


Subject + V1 + Object 


मैं तुम सुंदर दिखती हो 
You look beautiful.
मैं आपका सम्मान करता हूँ 
I honour you 
हमे अपने देश से  प्यार है 
We love our country.
वह आता सानती है 
She kneads flour.
मैं गेहू पिसता हूँ 
I grind wheat.
वे लोग T.V देखते है 
They watches T.V
रोहन अंग्रेजी बोलता है 
Rohan Speaks English
आप अंग्रेज़ी बोलते है 
You speak English.


Subject + Do not / Does not  + V1 + Object


मैं समय नहीं नस्ट करता हूँ 
I do not waste time.
हमलोग आपकी बात नहीं समझते है 
We do not understand you.
तुम मेहनत  नहीं करते हो 
You don’t labour
वह खर्राटे नहीं लेता है 
He doesn’t snore.
वह सिसकती नहीं है 
She does not sob.
ऐसा नहीं होता है 
It does not happen so.
वह क्रिकेट नहीं खेलता है 
He does not play Cricket
मैं  बैंक में काम नहीं करता है 
I do not work in Bank.               


Do/ Does + Subject + V1 + Object


क्या मैं अच्छा दिखता हूँ ?
Do I look smart ?
क्या तुम्हे क्रिकेट पसंद है ?
Do you like cricket ?
क्या वे लोग शोर मचाते है ?
Do they make a noise ?
क्या वह रोज़ आता सानती है ?
Does she knead daily ?
क्या वह इसका उपयोग करता है ?
Does he use it ?
क्या वह ठीक से काम करता है ? 
Does he work properly ?
क्या तुम अंग्रेजी बोलते हो ?
Do You Speak English?
क्या तुम्हे पिज़्ज़ा पसंद है ? 
Do You like Pizza.?


Wh Family + Do/ Does + Subject + V1 + Object


अब तुम क्या कहते हो ?
What do you say now  ?
वह कहाँ रहती है ?
Where does she live?
वह कब उठता है ? 
When  does he get up ?
तुम कौन का किताब पसंद करते हो ? 
Which book do you like  ?
तुम क्यों नहीं बैठते हो ? 
Why don’t you sit ?
वह क्यों रोती  है ?
Why does she cry?
तुम किस कक्षा के पढ़ते हो ? 
Which class do you study ?
वे लोग कब सोते है ? 
When do they sleep ?

2) Present Continuous Tense 

इस Tense का प्रयोग काम के चालू रहने एवं भविस्य में होने वाले काम आदि का बोध कराने के लिए होता है।  
हिंदी वाक्यों में इसका स्वरुप ” रहा है, रही है, रहे है, रहे हो, रहा हूँ “ आदि वाले होते है।  

 Rules of Making 


If subject is  HE,  SHE , I  or  ANY NAME , then you use ” is “   + v4.
If subject is  YOU,  WE, or  THEY , then you use ” are “  + v4
If Subject is  ‘ I ‘, then you use ” am ”  + v4

# Rule


Subject + Is / Are / Am + V4  + Object

Example :

She is learning English
I am learning English.
We are learning English.

  NEGATIVE SENTENCE             

Subject + Is / Are / Am + not + V4 + Object.

Example :

He is not teaching Math.
I am not Watching T.V
We are not Playing Football.


Is / Are / Am + Subject + V4 + Object.

Example : 

Is she making tea?
Are you making me fool?
Am I  looking good.?    


Wh Family + Is / Are / Am  + Subject + V4 + Object

Example : 

Where is she living?
Where are you  living?
What am I doing?

3) Present Perfect Tense  

इस Tense का प्रयोग ऐसे कार्य का बोध कराने के लिए होता है जो भूतकाल में समाप्त हो गया, जैसे : अभी अभी , कुछ देर पहले  , नजदीक में , कुछ दिन पहले आदि 
हिंदी वाक्यों में इसका स्वरुप  ” चूका हूँ  , चूका है , चुकी है , आया है , गया है , गए है ” आदि वाले होते है। 

 Rule of Making  


If Subject is ” I, YOU, WE, THEY “, then you  use  ” Have ” + v3
If Subject is  ” HE, SHE, IT, OR ANY NAME” , then you use ” Has ”  + v3

# Rule


Subject + Has / Have + V3 + Object 

Example : 

Amar has eaten food.
I have taken rest.
She has met him at noon.
You have written a letter.


Subject + Has / Have + not + V3 + Object

Example : 

Amar has not eaten food.
I haven’t taken rest.
She has not met him.
I have not read Books.


Has / Have + Subject + V3 + Object 

Example :

Have you taken tea?
Has she played Cricket?
Have they written a letter?
Has he read a newspaper?


Wh Family + Has / Have + Subject + V3 + Object 

Example : 

Why have you gone there?
Where has she gone?
What have we done?
 When has he come?

4) Present  Perfect Continuous Tense 

इस Tense का प्रयोग भूतकाल में शुरू होकर वर्त्तमान में जारी कार्य का बोध कराने के लिए होता है , 
इसमें v4  एवं for/since  का प्रयोग होता है  . 
हिंदी वाक्यों में इसका स्वरुप  ” ता रहा है , ती रही है , ता रहा हूँ , ते रहे है , ”  आदि वाले होते है 

 Rule of Making  


If Subject is ” I, YOU, WE, THEY “, then you don’t use  ” Have been ”  + v4
If Subject is  ” HE, SHE, IT, OR ANY NAME , the you use ” Has been ”  + v4

Since is used for  
Fixed Time ” निश्चित समय  ex – 1990 , Sunday , January, Morning

For is used for      
Not Fixed ” अनिश्चित समय ex- 10 days, 15 week, 20 year , 5 hours.

# Rule


Sub + Has / Have been + V4 + Object + For/ Since + Time

Example : 

I have been playing cricket for 10 Days.
He has been washing clothes since morning.
We have been cooking food for 1 week.
She has been dancing kathak Since 1999.


Sub + Has/ Have + Not + Been + V4 + Object + For/ Since. + Time.

Example : 

I have not been playing cricket for 20 Days.
He  has not been eating Pizza Since Night.
You have not been teaching English for 5 Weeks.
She has not been cooking food Since 2010.


Has / Have + Sub + been + V4 + Object + For/ Since + Time.

Example : 

Has he been crying for 2 hours?
Have you been eating Since 19981 ?
Has she been dancing for 2 days?
Have They been cooking Since 2010 ?


Wh  Family + Has / Have + sub + been + V4 + Object + for/ Since + Time.

Example : 

Why have you been living here since 1990 ?
Where has she been doing here for 10 Days ?
Where  have they been going Since January ?
Since When has she  been driving car?

Presented By : Amar’s Classes for English

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Amar’s Classes for English

  Address : Mirganj, Begusarai, Near Mamta Hotel 

    Contact  : 9570589502  || 9304714697

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