# Ode to Autumn – Chapter 4 (Poetry Section)


Ode to Autumn is written by John Keats. He was born in 31 October, 1795 in London, United Kingdom and died in 23 February, 1821 in Rome, Italy. He was an English Romantic Poet. He is deeply interested in Cricket and boxing. His poem ENDYMION (1818) was well appreciated by Wordsworth. His important Odes are , To a Nightingale, On Melancholy, Ode to Autumn etc.  He died of tuberculosis at the age of 26.


‘To Autumn’ is a highly sensuous poem that brings the season to life through the sights, smells, and sounds of autumn. This poem narrates the passing of both a glorious autumn day and the season itself.

The poem begins with Keats addressing autumn as a personified figure and describing its abundance and richness. He notes the presence of fruit and harvest, and the sounds of animals preparing for winter. Keats uses sensory details to paint a picture of the season, invoking the senses of sight, sound, and touch.

In the second stanza, Keats continues his description of autumn, focusing on its stillness and calm. He contrasts this with the busy and bustling scenes of summer, and emphasises the quiet beauty of autumn. Keats also uses imagery from nature, such as the picture of a ‘half-reap’d furrow’ and the ‘swelling gourd’, to further describe the season.

The final stanza of the poem shifts the focus from the season of autumn to the human experience of ageing and mortality. Keats acknowledges that autumn is a time of endings and that winter is coming, but he also finds beauty in this cycle of life and death. The poem ends with Keats addressing autumn once again, thanking it for its blessings and celebrating its place in the natural world.


  1. Abroad = विदेश 
  2. Achieve=प्राप्त करना 
  3. Acquaintance=परिचय 
  4. Ambition=महत्वाकांक्षा 
  5. Asleep=सोया हुआ 
  6. Barred=रुका हुआ 
  7. Bend =झुकना 
  8. Bleat = मिमियाना 
  9. Bloom = खिलना 
  10. Bourn=भूमि 
  11. Brook =नदी 
  12. Budding =कली लगना 
  13. Carless =लपारवाह 
  14. Cease = जब्त करना 
  15. Cell =मधुकोष 
  16. Choir =गायक मंडली 
  17. Clammy =चिपचिपा 
  18. Close bossom friend =जिगरी दोस्त 
  19. Core=पूरा, भरपुर 
  20. Cottage =झोपड़ी 
  21. Drowsed =ऊंघा हुआ 
  22. Thatched Eaves = फुस का घर 
  23. Entitled =शीर्षक 
  24. Fume=सुगंध धुंआ 
  25. Furrow =कुंड 
  26. Garden-croft =बगीचा की भूमि 
  27. Swallow = अबाबील 
  28. Whoever =जो कोई 
  29. Willful =जान बूझकर 
  30. Gathering =जमा करना 
  31. Gleaner =संग्रह करने वाला 
  32. Gnats =छोटे छूटे कीड़े 
  33. Gourd =कद्दू 
  34. Granary =कोठी अनाज की 
  35. Greatness =महानता 
  36. Hazel = अखरोट 
  37. Hedge-cricket = झींगुर 
  38. Hilly = पहाड़ी 
  39. Hook =फॅसा हुआ
  40. Kernel =बिज़ 
  41. Laden = लदा हुआ 
  42. Load =भरना 
  43. Warm = गर्म  
  44. Whistle = सिटी बजाना 
  45. Maturing =परिपक्त 
  46. Mellow fruitfulness =मीठा भरपूर 
  47. Mists = कुहासा 
  48. Mourn = शोक मनाना 
  49. Mythology = पौरोणिक कथा 
  50. Oozing =बहते हुए टपकना 
  51. Pains = दर्द 
  52. Plump = मांसल 
  53. Poppies = एक प्रकार का फूल 
  54. Published = प्रकाशित हुआ 
  55. Red-breast= रोबिन चिडया 
  56. Vines = लता 
  57. Ripeness = पका हुआ 
  58. Romantic = रोमांचक 
  59. Season = मौसम 
  60. Seed = बीज 
  61. Sell = सौदा धोका 
  62. Shells= कबच शंक 
  63. Sinking = धंसता 
  64. Steady = निरंतर 
  65. Spares =बचे हुए 
  66. Stubble =खूँटी  
  67. Sufferings =कषट 
  68. Twitter =चहकना 
  69. Swath = ढ़ीला 
  70. Thatch = छज्जा 
  71. Treble = जोर से 
  72. Twined= ऐठा हुआ 
  73. Voracious =भुखकड़ 


1) John Keats was a________poet.
A. Romantic
B. Metaphysical
C. War
D. People
2) John Keats was born in_______
A. 1745
B. 1795
C. 1775
D. 1796
3) John Keats died in_____
A. 1821
B. 1877
C. 1823
D. 1863
4) John Keats died at the age of __
A. 23
B. 25
C. 26
D. 28
5) ______is conspiring with autumn to load and bless the vines.
A. The sun
B. The moon
C. The star
D. Autumn
6) _____and _____are the friend of maturing sun.
A. Season of mist & mellow fruitfulness
B. Sun and autumn
C. Moon and sun
D. Rain and season
7) ___________twitter in the sky.
A. Swallows
B. Cuckoo
C. Crow
D. Red breast
8) The winnowing wind‛ softly lifts the hair of____
A. Crop
B. Farmer
C. Woman
D. Lady
9) _____sits carelessly on granary floor.
A. Farmer
B. Autumn
C. Crop
D. Crow
10) ________is the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness
A. Spring
B. Autumn
C. Rainy
D. Winter
11) The cause of John Keats’s death was________
A. Tuberculosis
B. Cancer
C. Rabbies
D. Sepsis
12) John Keats was deeply interested in___and___
A. Cricket and tennis
B. Cricket and Boxing
C. Boxing and Badminton
D. Cricket and Hockey
13) John’s poem ‚Endymion‛ was well appreciatedby________
A. Wordsworth
B. Rudyard Kipling
C. Rupert Brooke
D. John Donne
14) John Keats studied at_________at Enfield
A. Clark’s school
B. The Reverside School
C. Pathway School
D. The Doon School
15) _____whistle from a garden croft.
A. Yellow breast
B. Red breast
C. Pink breast
D. Swallows
16) _____bleat loudly from hilly land.
A. Full grown lambs
B. Full grown goats
C. Full grown cows
D. Full grown cats
17) The fruits ripen in_______
A. summer
B. spring
C. Autumn
D. rainy
18) The close friend of autumn is____
A. the sun
B. the moon
C. the light
D. animal
19) The poet of the ‚Ode of Autumn‛ is_____
A. John Keats
B. W.H. Auden
C. Walt Whitman
D. None of these
20) John Keats likes to read_______mythology.
A. Greek
B. Chinese
C. Indian
D. Russian
21) ‚Ode to Autumn‛ was published in______
A. 1820
B. 1812
C. 1845
D. 1866
22) John Keats was born at______in London.
A. Moonfield
B. Starfield
C. London
D. Murdyard
23) Autumn start with the depature of ____ season.
A. Winter
B. Rainy 
C. Summer 
D. Spring
24) The theme of Autumn is ___
A. Scarcity 
B. Fulfilment/ Maturity 
C. Abundence 
D. None of these
25) ‘To Autumn’ is a ____
A. an epic
B. an elegy 
C. a ballad
D. an ode 
26) Autumn start after departure of 
A. Rain 
B. Cold 
C. Summer 
D. Winter
27) ‘Ode to Autumn’ is a ___
A. Drama 
B. Poetry
C. Essay 
D. Story
28) Ode to Autumn is poem of _____
A. Nature 
B. Love 
C. War 
D. Sadness
29) Autumn is a season of mellow ____
A. no wind
B. Fruitlessness
C. Fruitfulness
D. None of these
30) _____ was great lover of nature.
A. John Donne 
B. Walt Whitman 
C. John Keats
D. W.H. Auden 


1.  How do you feel in different seasons? which is most enjoyable one?
Ans- In summer it is too hot; in the rainy season it is very sultry: in winter it is very cold. I like autumn and spring the most. it is cool and pleasant 
2. New leaves and fruits grow on trees in a particular season. which is that?
Ans- In autumn fruits and new leaves appear.
3. Have you seen a tree bent and loaded with fruits ? What feeling does the sight evoke in you?
Yes, I have seen mango trees bent and loaded with fruits. I feel how bountiful nature is.
4. Who are depicted as friends in the first two lines?
Ans- Seasons of mist and the naturing sun are depicted as friends in the first two lines.
5. What happens in autumn?
Ans- All fruits get ripeness and flowers bloom in autumn. All bird start to sing to see the sweetness of the season.
6. In what sense does the sun conspire with Autumn?
Ans- The sun conspires with the autumn by offering fruits and flowers. its ray makes the fruit fleshy and fat and also tasty.
7. How do the sun and summer help in ripeness of fruits in autumn?
Ans- The sun and summer help in the ripeness of fruits and to make them fleshy or fat in autumn. They fill very much heat and energy.
8. How are autumn and summer related to spring?
Ans- Autumn and summer are related to spring season. It comes before the arrival of summer. Autumn starts with the departure of summer season.
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