40+ Different types of Birds | Name of All Birds !!!

Amar’s Classes For English 

 Name of Birds  

1. Crow

2. Turkey

3. Peacock

4. Ostrich

5. Macadamia

6. Pigeon

7. Sparrow

8. Rooster

9. Kerosene

10. Quail

11. Cock

12. Hoopoe

13. Parrot

14. Duck

15. Heron

16. Hen

17. Kiwi

18. Dove

19. Macaw

20. Gander 

21. Pelican

22. Goose

23. Swallow

24. Raven 

25. Cuckoo

26. Weave bird

27. Hornbill

28. Woodpecker 

29. Nightingale 

30. Eagle

31. Partridge.us.

32. Penguin 

33. Swan

34. Hummingbird 

35. Magpie

36. Flamingo

37. Seagull .

38. Kingfisher

39. Robin

40. Skylark

41. Myna 

42. Vulture 

Amar’s Classes For English

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