VVI MCQ OF A PINCH OF SNUFF Leave a Comment / By Amarsir / November 24, 2023 A PINCH OF SNUFF 1 / 30 1."A Pinch of Snuff" has been written by__ Manohar Malgaonkar Dr. Zakir Hussain Bertrand Russell Martin Luther King 2 / 30 2. When was Manohar Malgoankar born ? 1917 1916 1912 1913 3 / 30 3. When was Manohar Malgoankar born ? 1915 1912 2010 1916 4 / 30 4. Nanukaka in a linguistic emergency always uses his__ Mother tongue Hindi English French 5 / 30 5. Nanukaka took out his cheque book and wrote a cheque for _____ Five thousands rupees Two thousands rupees A thousand rupees Three thousands rupees 6 / 30 6. ______ is a humorous story. The Artist A Pinch of Snuff A Child is Born The Earth 7 / 30 7. Nanukaka has tied a huge _____ turban round the narrator's head. Red Orange Yellow Green 8 / 30 8. Manohar Malgaonkar was the _____ on probation. Secretary Under Secretary Chief Secretary Joint Secretary 9 / 30 9. Nanukaka has a unique quality of telling _____ Truths Lies Stories Dicta 10 / 30 10. Nanukaka has to meet a minister in the _____ North block South block West block East block 11 / 30 11. Nanukaka handed over a cheque of a thousand rupees to a__ Dhobi Carpenter Blacksmith Goldsmith 12 / 30 12. Nanukaka portrayed himself as the hereditary astrology of the Maharaja of__ Bikaner Jaipur Udaipur Ninnore 13 / 30 13. Nanukaka was to stay for __days. 3 or 4 days 2 or 3 days 4 or 5 days 6 or 7 days 14 / 30 14. Nanukaka was a very__man. clever food stupid honest 15 / 30 15. " A Pinch of Snuff " is a short___ story novel essay poem 16 / 30 16. Nanukaka was related to the narrator, as he was his__ uncle nephew cousin maternal uncle 17 / 30 17. Sohanlal Ratiram was the Party Boss in__ Patna Delhi Mumbai Rajasthan 18 / 30 18. Nanukaka's meeting with Sohanlal was ___ postponed successful cancelled failure 19 / 30 19. The second important person Nanukaka had planned to meet was__ business man welfare minister state minister zamindar 20 / 30 20. The new role Nanukaka gave the narrator under secretary, was of__ driver professor astrologer minister 21 / 30 21. Nanukaka managed to impress the Sikka Auto Dealer by demonstration of__ country knowledge wealth health 22 / 30 22. The type of situation in which a person from time to time turns to his mother tongue. Hesitation Linguistic emergency Revolving Consequence 23 / 30 23. Nanukaka told-"Take me to the Maharaja Sutkata's palace to return the__ cheque coat horoscopes driver 24 / 30 24. Nanukaka came out of minister's office mumbling colourful __swear words. Marathi Maithli Jodhpuri Dakhni 25 / 30 25. Kitten has just made a__on the floor. mark puzzle puddle line 26 / 30 26. Nanukaka snuffbox is___in colour. gold silver blue black 27 / 30 27. Mother said, "Nanukaka is coming to see some__ monuments minister monster state 28 / 30 28. It was not very essay for the narrator to get sent on__ Royal business Holy works Intertainment Foreign assignment 29 / 30 29. The portfolio of the minister is the__ Welfare Home Railway Finaince 30 / 30 30. Nanukaka used to keep__angocha. white black orange red Your score is 0% Restart quiz ACE