VVI MCQ OF A CHILD IS BORN Leave a Comment / By Amarsir / November 27, 2023 A CHILD IS BORN 1 / 30 1. "A Child is born" is written by _____ Germaine Greer H.E. Bates Anton Chekhov Shiga Naoya 2 / 30 2. Germaine Greer was born in _____ 1838 1938 1939 1949 3 / 30 3. Germaine Greer was educated in _____ Australia Nepal America India 4 / 30 4. In Bangladesh _____ is a kind of fairy tales. Rupthoka Supthoka Tupthoka Jupthoka 5 / 30 5. A _____ woman has to observe various taboos, rituals and customs. Pregnant Beautiful Ugly Wicked 6 / 30 6. Generally a pregnant woman is sent to her ____ Parents Teacher Doctor Relatives 7 / 30 7. Sylheti woman and her child are given new dress on the _____ day of the birth. 6th 7th 8th 10th 8 / 30 8. Germaine Greer is an ____ writer Australian Indian British American 9 / 30 9. Garlands for ____ were given to a new baby. Flowers and corns Turmeric and Garlic Apples and Grapes Gram and Wheat 10 / 30 10. ____ visited an enormous modern hospital for "Bantu" patients in South Africa Sheila Kitzinger Geeta Sethi Mamta sen Ragini Kriti 11 / 30 11. In Bangladesh Rupthoka is a kind of _____ Sweet Dish Bread Fairy Tales Poem 12 / 30 12. Germaine Greer is a famous ____ writer. Educational Scientific Feminist All 13 / 30 13. "A Child is Born" is an extract from the author's book named The female Eunuch The Change The Wind Sex and Destiny 14 / 30 14. The author believes that socio-cultural practices are _____ Males Females Family Writers 15 / 30 15. The present chapter explores the cultural peculiarities of the East and the West regarding parent-child relationship and _____ Child-birth Child-death Male interest Female interest 16 / 30 16. The hospital refused to believe that the pregnant woman was in _____ First stage labour Second stage labour Third stage labour Fourth stage labour 17 / 30 17. Clearly infant and mother morality is greater in _____ Traditional births Untraditional births Particular births Prevented births 18 / 30 18. Married woman do not become members of their new family until they have ____- Started cooking Started to earn Mix and others Borne an child 19 / 30 19. Who are all assumed to be unjust and vindictive ? Husbands Father in law Husband's brother Mother's in law 20 / 30 20. The naming ceremony is held when the baby is _____ ? seven days old five days old six days old none of these 21 / 30 21. In the _____ the husband wife due enjoy more freedom and individuality. North South East West 22 / 30 22. In _____ children under the age of five or six are looked after by the whole family. India Bangladesh China Russia 23 / 30 23. The hospital staff was very uncooperative about _____ meals childbirth breast feeding medicines 24 / 30 24. In traditional births infant and mother mortality is___ lesser greater negligible none of these 25 / 30 25. When a baby born, it is an occasion of joy for ____ The mother Father Stranges The Whole Family 26 / 30 26. That a woman could lose her own name & become known as the mother of her first-born, is regarded in west as - Outreach Outrageous Outpart Outrage 27 / 30 27. The supersition associated with acquiring new clothes & instruments for baby before the birth is considered as good luck bad luck all luck no luck 28 / 30 28. ____ woman visit her mother's house during pregnancy. An Indian A Sylheti An African A Canadian 29 / 30 29. Rupthoka is told by ____ Father Mother Aunt Brother 30 / 30 30. New clothes are bought for ___ The Baby The Mother Both None of these Your score is 0% Restart quiz ACE