Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe is written by John Donne. He was Born in 1572 In London, England and Died in 1631, London. He belongs to Roman Catholic Family. He is also Known as Metaphysical Poet. He studied Law and Theology. John Donne was forced to leave Oxford University without a degree because of his religion. He was briefly sent to prison for secretly marrying his patron’s niece. He is well known for his Songs and Sonnets, Satires and the Elegies , and Sermons.

Sweetest love I do not goe’ is a love poem by John Donne. He is considered to be the pioneer of metaphysical poetry. Here, he has depicted the moment when he parts away from his beloved ‘Anne More’ . The poet is going on a journey away from his beloved and uttered his beloved not to be gloomy he would return soon. He compares himself to the sun and assures her that he will be successful in his journey. He thinks that man’s power is very feeble and kneels down when his luck disfavours him. Also he persuades his beloved not to weep or sigh because she is a part of him. Lastly he advises her that when you remember me just feel we are turned aside. And that a true lover never parts away.

- Alive – जीवित
- Believe – विश्वास करना
- Blood – खून
- Chance – मौक़ा
- Deaths-मृत्यु
- Decay-सड़ जाना
- Die– मरना
- Divining – स्वर्गीय
- Dye-मरना
- Fears-भय
- Feeble -कमजोर कर देना
- Fortune– भाग्य
- Heart– दिल
- Fulfil-पूरा करना
- Hopе-आशा
- Jest– मस्ती में
- Joke-मजाक
- Parted-अलग होना
- Recall-बुलाना
- Satires– व्यंग
- Sermons-प्रवचन
- Songs-गीत
- Sonnets-चौदह पंक्ति की कविता
- Spurres-मंशा
- Strained-मरोड़
- Strength-ताकत
- Tiredness-थकान
- Thou-तुम
- Waste-बेकार
- Weariness-थकान
- Whimsical-सनकी
- Wing-पंख
- Joyne-दूसरा
- Destiny-भाग्य
- Forethink-पूर्वानुमान
- turn aside– करवट बदलकर सोना
- Fained-मजबूर, विवश
- Fitter-ज्यादा अच्छा
- Soule-आत्मा

(1) “Sweetest love I do not Goe” has been written by
- Keats
- John Donne
- W. H. Auden
- Whitman
(2) Sweetest love I do not Goe is a …….poem.
- Metaphysical
- War
- Nature
- Romantic
(3) John Donne has seen the sun setting ____ night
- Next
- Yester
- Previous
- Tomorrow
(4) When and where was John Donne born?
- 1572 in London
- 1572 in Europe
- 1631 in Africa
- 1672 in America
(5) John Donne was died in…….
- 1632
- 1631
- 1680
- 1682
(6) John Donne was known as……
- A preacher
- A doctor
- A dancer
- A singer
(7) John Donne was a Roman ……
- Catholic
- Cathosex
- Cariolio
- None of these
(8) John Donne’s wife name was ……
- Anne more
- Ann mole
- Ann Mare
- Ann mari
(9) John Donne studied law and …..
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Theology
- None of these
(10) The study of god is called ….
- Psychology
- Theology
- Geology
- None of these
(11) “Songs and Sonnets” is the work of …..
- John Donne
- Wordsworth
- John Keats
- Walt Whitman
(12) John Donne’s father was a ….
- Doctor
- Teacher
- Trader
- Carpenter
(13).Who is called the pioneer of metaphysical poetry?
- Samuel Johnson
- Andrew Marwell
- John Donne
- John Dryden
(14) Donne was sent to prison for ______ his patron’s niece.
- Secretly marrying
- Writing poem
- Visiting other
- Stealing Money
(15).The Line ‘Nor in the hope the world can show a fitter love for me’ – is from ……………
- Song of myself
- Fire-hymn
- Sweetest love I do not goe
- Walter De La Mare
(16).”That thou love’st mee as thou say’st” is from ……….
- Sweetest love I do not goe
- Fire-hymn
- The Soldier
- Walter De La Mare
(17).John Donne is a ………… poet.
- nature
- metaphysical
- romantic
- pessimistic
(18).Which type of lover never part away?
- romantic lovers
- noble lovers
- true lovers
- cute lovers
(19).What are the things that the sun does not have?
- ability and wish
- sense and love
- sense and desire
- credit and wit
(20).What does hyperbole mainly deal with?
- under statement
- exaggeration
- innovation
- sarcasm
(21).Who can’t add another hour when good fortune fall?
- beloved
- lover
- poet
- man
(22).The sun has no ‘halfe short a way’ but the ……… has .
- poet
- man
- bride
- sky
(23)The speaker’s blood decay when the beloved ……… .
- sob
- weep
- sigh
- lament
(24).The speaker’s soul go away when the beloved ………. .
- sigh
- repent
- cheat
- weep
(25). John Donne is going to ____ leaving his wife behind
- Denmark
- Poland
- Germany
- London
(26).Who is the beloved in the poem?
- Anne More
- Anna Wood
- Anne Frank
- Anne Marie
(27).John Donne is well known for ………. .
- songs and sonnets
- free verse
- narrative
- epic
(28). John Donne feels that a _____is hopeless
- Man
- woman
- mind
- boy
(29). John Donne was forced to leave _____University.
- Oxford
- Cambridge
- Harvard
- Shivalik
(30). John Donne is better than _____
- Moon
- Sun
- Time
- Star
(31). ‘Weariness’ means________
- Ugliness
- Tiredness
- Happiness
- Grief

Short and long Answer Type Questions
Q1.Where does the poet want to go?
Ans.The poet wants to go on a journey but the nature of the journey is not know
in the poem.But it’s clear that he wants to go as a ‘test run’ .
Q2.What does he use as a metaphor?
Ans.He uses ‘the Sun’ as a metaphor. He assures his beloved that as the sun have appeared again he will also return from the journey.
Q3.How does the poet compare himself to the sun?
Ans.The poet says that even if the sun does not have sense, he desire and a beloved he comes back again then why can’t I whereas I(the poet) have everything
Q4.What does the poet believe & why?
Ans.The poet believes that he will make his journey successful because he has everything sense,desire and a beloved.
Q5.What makes a man’s power feeble?
Ans.A man has a weakness that he kneels down before his bad luck. He loses ability to face it.Even he does not take a profit of his good fortune.
Q6.How does the beloved waste the poet’s life?
Ans.The poet says that once his beloved told that he is the part of her, and he lies in her. But at present she is sighing, she is weeping. Like this she is wasting poet’s life.
Q7.In what way will the lovers remain
Ans.Actually the poet says that the one who are true lovers, they never part away, they always remain alive.
Q8.What arguments does the poet give at the time of parting with his beloved?
Ans.The poet says to his beloved that let not the forethink come to your mind as sometimes it may come true. At the same time, he suggests that if you remember me then imagine I am there on your bed but we are just turned aside.
Q9.Has the poet found another lady? Does he hope from this world?
Ans.No,the poet has not found any other lady. Nor he hopes from this world. He loves only his beloved and her true love.
Q10.Why does the poet want to go away from his beloved ?
Ans.The speaker wants to go away from his beloved as a “test run” for the separation which they will experience at death. He also assures her beloved that he is not leaving her because of tiredness. On the other hand, he talks about the certainty of death and expresses his desire to have some amusement.
Explanation Questions
Q1.They who one another keepe, Alive, ne’r parted bee
Ans. – The present lines have been taken from a very beautiful poem “Sweetest love I do not goe”. This poem has been written by a great English poet John Donne. He is known as Metaphysical poet. In the present lines the poet is talking to his wife. He says that one who is lives in one’s heart, they never separate.
Q2. Oh! How feeble is man’s power
That if good fortune fall
Cannot add another hour, Nor a lost hour recall
Ans. – Present lines have been taken from “sweetest love I do not goe”. It has been written by a great metaphysical poet John Donne of 16th century. In these lines the poet is talking to his wife when he leaves the house for the journey. He says that man’s power is very weak. He cannot repair his bad luck. He can neither add nor racall his spent time with his wife.
Q3.That thou lov’st mee, as thou say’st
If in thine my life then waste
Then art the best of me
The present lines have been taken from the poem “The sweetest love that I do not goe”. This poem has been written by a great metaphysical poet John Donne of 16th century. In these lines the poet describes his feeling of separation from his beloved. He says to his beloved that he loves her very much. If his beloved cries and gets worries for him, he could not live in happy mood. In this way his beloved waste his life. So he wants to live in joy mood.