Preposition Quiz – 3 Leave a Comment / By Amarsir / September 14, 2023 Amar Classes For English Presents, Preposition Quiz - 3 1 / 30 1. Amar can live ____ me with without 2 / 30 2. I am angry _____ you with without 3 / 30 3. He writes ____ a pen. with without 4 / 30 4. He cuts a mango _____ a knife. with without 5 / 30 5. The carpenter cuts a tree ____ a axe. with without 6 / 30 6. I cannot live ______ you. with without 7 / 30 7. One cannot live ____ oxygen. with without 8 / 30 8. We cannot live _____ water. with without 9 / 30 9. A women cannot live _____ a man. with without 10 / 30 10. He deal _____ honesty. with without 11 / 30 11. She was a girl ____ red hair. with without 12 / 30 12. Amar was playing _____ her with without 13 / 30 13. I was dancing _____ joy. with without 14 / 30 14. One cannot live _____ food. with without 15 / 30 15. One cannot do any things ____ money. with without 16 / 30 16. I cannot see ____ glass. without with 17 / 30 17. is a river ______ water with without 18 / 30 18. She cut an apple _____ knife. without with 19 / 30 19. He was beaten _____ a stick. with without 20 / 30 20. I had three night _____ sleep. with without 21 / 30 21. He parted ____ my friends with without 22 / 30 22. I am always ____ you. with without 23 / 30 23. He heard me _____ patience. with without 24 / 30 24. I cannot write _____ a pen with without 25 / 30 25. ____ money you cannot do anything With Without 26 / 30 26. He can survive 7 day _____ water. with without 27 / 30 27. _____ water we cannot live in desert. With Without 28 / 30 28. My Grandma cannot walk ____ her stick. With Without 29 / 30 29. She was agree ____ my father with without 30 / 30 30. I can't imagine my life _____ you. with without Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Clicks For More QuizesPreposition Quiz – 1Preposition Quiz – 2