Para Medical 2022


56. Change the following sentence into Active Voice

The bird was killed by a cruel boy.

(a) A cruel boy was killed the bird 

(b) A cruel boy killed the bird.

(c) A cruel boy had killed the bird.

(c) A boy killed the cruel bird.

57. Change the following sentence into Passive voice.

He kept me waiting. 

(a) I was kept waiting by him

(b) I waited by him 

(c) I had been waited by him.

(d) I was waited by him.

58. Which of the following sentences has a ‘modal verb”?

(a) She comes here to study. 

(b) Her sister known to me.

(c) Seeing is believing

(d) You must improve your spelling.

59. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the correct word from the


60. Rama and……….were present.

(a) I

(b) Me 

(c) Both (a) and (b) 

(d) None of the above

61. Which part of speech is the word “ingenious”?

(a) Adverb 

(b) Pronoun

(c) Adjective

(d) Noun

62. Change the following sentence into a negative one.

This boy plays football. 

(a) This boy does not play football. 

(b) This boy do not plays football.

(c) This boy no plays football 

(d) This boy not plays football.

Change the following sentence into a question.

63. Madhusudan knows how to cheat. 

(a) Do Madhusudan knows how to cheat?

(b) Does Madhusudan know how to cheat? 

(c) Does Madhusudan knows how to cheat?

(d) What Madhusudan knows how to cheat?

64. Which suffix should be used to pluralise the following word?


(a) ren

(b) en

(c) es

(d) s

65. Which of the following sentences has been punctuated correctly ?

(a) Renu said, ” Give me a pen, a pencil and a book”

(b) Renu said, ” Give me a pen a pencil and a book”

(c) Renu said give me a pen a pencil and a book.

(d) Renu said Give me a pen, a pencil and a book

66.  Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the correct alternative.

I did not inform… all.

(a) None

(b) any

(c) anybody

(d) nobody

67. The antonym of “Justice” is

(a) Illjustice

(b) Disjustice

(c) Injustice

(d) Unjustice

68. The synonym of ” Adroit ” is

(a) Potent

(b) Powerful

(c) Clever

(d) Skilled

69. Which alternative is the correct indirect form of the sentence?

He said to me, ” When will you come back /

(a) He asked me when he would go back

(b) He asked to me when I would go back

(c) He asked me when you would go back

(d) He asked me when I would go back

70. Fill in the blanks with correct preposition

Napoleon had genius…..military tactics, without doubt he is genius….Mathematics

(a) in, at

(b) at, in

(c) in, for

(d) for, in


56. Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select No improvement

Lot of peoples visit this restaurant as its biryani is famous. 

(a) A lot peoples. 

(b) A lot of people

(c) Much of people 

(d) No improvement

57. In the sentence, identify the segment which contains the grammatical error. 

Tilak rowed through the river and tied his boat on the other side.

(a) Tilak rowed 

(b) on the other side

(c) and tied his boat 

(d) through the river

58. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom. 

Leave no stone unturned 

(a) Leave the path halfway 

(b) Not make enough efforts 

(c) Turn everything upside down

(d) Try everything possible 

59. In the sentence, identify the segment which contains the grammatical error. 

Three more elevated roads have been propose in the new plan to unclog the for traffic in Delhi.

(a) have been propose 

(b) Three more elevated roads

(c) in the new plan 

(d) to unclog the traffic in Delhi.

60. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word. 


(a) Bury 

(b) Hide

(c) Reveal 

(d) Protect

61. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word. 


(a) Commit

(b) Perform

(c) Execute

(d) Prevent

62. Select the word which means the same as the group of words given. 

Something that cannot be avoided.

(a) Infallible 

(b) Invincible

(c) Indelible

(d) Inevitable

63. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.

I had a stroke at an early age, but what I thought was a great… that time changed my life for the better. 

(a) indent

(b) incentive

(c) indication

(d) injustice

64. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.


(a) Rival

(b) Assistant

(c) Helper

(d) Supporter

Directions (Q. Nos. 65-70) Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.

65. A. As he looked at them, their heads began to hang low. 

B. Akbar glanced at his courtiers in search of an answer.

C. Once Akbar asked his courtiers a very strange question.

D. The courtiers were dumb-founded by his question.

(a) ACBD

(b) CDBA

(c) CADB

(d) DCAB

66. A. Later, they set up their own art School and Gallery in the prison.

B. The prisoners wanted to display their art work inside the prison.

C. They took the help of volunteers from the School of Art.

D. Prisoners who were interested in visual arts and painting could study there.

(a) BCAD

(b) DCAB

(c) BDAC

(d) CBAD

67. Select the wrongly spelt word.

(a) Celebrant

(b) Celeberation

(c) Celebrity

(d) Celebrate

68. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Dance to someone’s tune.

(a) Do what others want you to do.

(b) Delay in making a decision. 

(c) Argue with others on petty matters. 

(d) Be engaged in an energetic activity.

69. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.


(a) Gigantic 

(b) Small

(c) Meagre 

(d) Dwarf

70. Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.

A person belonging to a foreign country. 

(a) Native 

(b) Inhabitant 

(c) Alien 

(d) Resident 


Directions (Q. Nos. 56 and 57) In the following questions, the sentence given with word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the blank to be filled in with an appropriate appropriate option.

56 Did you……… well in the night? 

(a) sleeps

(b) slept

(c) sleep 

(d) sleeping

57 Someone may… this cycle.

(a) stole 

(b) stolen

(c) steal

(d) stealing

Directions (Q. Nos. 58 and 59) In the following questions, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which expresses the meaning of the given word.

58 Melodious

(a) Awful 

(b) Noisy

(c) Sweet sounding 

(d) Audible

59 Placid

(a) Clean

(b) Calm 

(c) Enjoyable

(d) Dull

Directions (Q. Nos. 60 and 61) In the following questions, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.


(a) Peripheral

(b) Dead 

(c) Unimportant 

(d) Outer


(a) Contempt

(b) Ill feeling 

(c) Hatred

(d) Sympathy

Directions (Q. Nos. 62 and 63) In the following questions, out of the four given alternatives, select the one which is the best substitute for the phrase.

62. A person who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession.

(a) Agnostic 

(b) Professional 

(c) Amateur

(d) Honourary

63. A heavy mass of snow falling down a hill with great noise.

(a) Storm

(b) Avalanche 

(c) Hall storm

(d) Squall

64. Choose the correctly spelt word.

(a) Forment

(b) Fermint

(c) Ferment

(d) Firment

65 Choose the correctly spelt word..

(a) Acomodate 

(b) Accomodate

(c) Acommodate

(d) Accommodate 

Directions (Q. Nos. 66 and 67) Fill in the blanks with correct word to make the sentence meaningful.

66. This is the………chosen for the shopping complex to be built next year.

(a) area

(b) locality 

(c) site

(d) scattered

Directions (Q. Nos. 68-70) Find out the part which has an error in the following sentences. If there is no error, your answer

69 I was shocked to hear (a)/that his father(b)/died of an accident (c)/No error (d)

70 India is in no way (a)/inferior than the U.S.A (b)/in the fertility of soil and richness of mineral resources 

  SET- 4  

Directions (Q. Nos. 91-92) In the following questions, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by selecting the appropriate option.

91. Have you……. your pen?

(a) find 

(b) found

(c) finds 

(d) finded

92. Yukimura should be….. as the Chairman.

(a) appointed 

(b) smiled 

(c) coughed

(d) smirked

Directions (Q. 93-94) In the following questions, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

93. Quake

(a) Tremble

(b) still

(c) Order

(d) Tranquil

94. Rip

(a) Tear

(b) Closure

(c) Sew

(d) Value

Directions (Q. Nos. 95-96) In the following questions, out of the given four alternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaning of the given word.

95. Dwell

(a) Abide

(b) Bunk

(c) Hole up 

(d) Move on

96. Encroach

(a) Keep away

(b) Barge in

(c) Crash

(d) Horn in

Directions (Q. Nos. 97-98) In the following questions, out of the four given alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the phrase.

97. Time when night and day are of equal length.

(a) Equinox 

(c) Equate

(b) Equivocal 

(d) Equidistant

98. Fertile spot in a desert.

(a) Oasis

(b) Tributary 

(c) Well

(d) Peninsula

99. Choose the correct spelt word

(a) Circate 

(b) Circuit 

(c) Sircuit

(d) Circiut

100. Find out part which has an error in the following sentences. If there is no error your answer is ‘d’.

You must either tell me (a) the whole story or atleast (b)/ the first half on it (c)/ No error (d)

  SET- 5  

91. Find out the correct adverb in the following sentence.

The policeman didn’t run fast enough to catch the thief.

(c) across 

(b) enough

(d) through

92. Fill in the blank with correct article. 

Teachers are like………. weather, one minute they’re good,….. other they’re bad.

(a) a, a

(b) the, a

(c) the, the

(c) the, an

(d) A dream house

93. Identify the correct choice.

You needn’t take your umbrella, ………. is not raining.

(a) it

(b) there

(c) this

(d) outside 

94. Select the correct helping verb.

He had been working for more than 11 hours He… tired after such hard work

(a) must

(b) should

(c) has

(d) will 

95. Identify the correct preposition to complete the sentence. The police car chased the robbers…. the streets.

(a) in

(b) into

(c) across

(d) through

96. Identify the meaning of the given idiom/phrase.

A fool’s paradise

(a) A kingdom of fools 

(b) A place where fools live 

(c) A state of happiness based on false hope

(d) A dream house

97. Identify the incorrect part.

(a) She went

(b) to the market

(c) for buy some vegetables

(d) No error

98. Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction.

I’ll text you………I have arrived in 


(a) after 

(b) when

(c) but

(d) than

99. Form an adjective from the given word.


(a) Attraction

(b) Attractive

(c) Attracted

(d) Attracting

100. Give the plural of the given word.


(a) Analysises 

(b) Analysus

(c) Analysisess

(d) Analyses

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