Macavity : The Mystery Cat is written by T. S. Eliot. He was born in 26 September, 1888 in Missouri, America and died in 4 January, 1965 Kensington, England. His full name is Thomas Stearns Eliot OM. He was Poet, Essayiest publisher, playwright, and editor. He was an American- English Poet. He won The Noble Prize in Literature and Order of Merit in 1948. His famous works are, The Wasteland(1922), Four Quartets(1941), Ash Wednesday(1930) etc.

Macavity : The Mystery Cat is written by T.S. Eliot. In this poem the poet tells about a cat his name is Macavity but poet says he is mysterious cat because of his activeness. Poet says this cat has power to rise and float in the air. Always after the crime he reaches at the safe place. When people go to catch Macavity, The Macavity would not be present there. T.S. Eliot tells that he is very tall and thin. Macavity always does crime such as drinking milk, breaking class he goes everywhere within our approach. Poet says that when he does crime it never remains there. Macavity cheats everyone but never leaves anything back. he is not a simple cat he is very smart cat. Macavity is so smart that even the police of Scotland failed to catch her.

- Defy : अनादर करना
- Bafflement : उलझना, हैरानी
- Scotland yard : लंदन पुलिस का मुख्यालय
- Levitation : वायु में तैरना
- Fakir : भिखारी
- Ginger : दुबला पतला
- Domed : गुम्बद के आकर का
- Fiend : दुस्ट, राक्षक
- Feline : बिल्ली के परिवार का एक जानवर
- Depravity : बुराई
- Larder : भोजन रखने के लिए
- Rifled : तलासी लेना
- Stifled : दम घुटना , दबाया हुआ
- Trellis : जाफरी
- Treaty’s gone astray : हिंसक इकरारनामा
- Disclosed : प्रकट करना
- A- licking of thumbs : किसी के सफलता का मूल्यांकन करना
- Deceitfulness : दोखेबाज़
- Suavity : चापलुसीपूर्ण
- Alibli : बहाना
- Stare : घूरना
- Basement : तहखाना
- Sunken : धँसी, धसना
- Dusty : धूल भरा
- Neglect : उपेक्षा
- Whiskers : मुछ
- Uncombed : उलघे
- Looted : लूटना
- Jewel- case : गहने का डिब्बा
- Admiraltry : नौवाहन विभाग
- Investigate : खोज बिन
- Complicated : उलझा हुआ
- 33) Spare : अतिरिक्त
- 34) Deed : काम होना
- 35) Wicked : शैतान

1. T.S. Eliot was born in _______
- 1888
- 1823
- 1812
- 1899
2. T.S. Eliot died in _______
- 1956
- 1965
- 1690
- 1975
3. T.S Eliot got this prize for literature in 1948.
- Nobel Prize
- Order of Merit
- Pulitzer Prize
- Deshratna Award
4. Macavity is called ______
- Hidden Paw
- Thick Paw
- Thin Paw
- Jealous Paw
4. His power of _______ would make a fakir stare.
- Levitation
- Jumping
- Running
- Sleeping
5. Macavity is very _____and ______
- Tall and Thin
- Tall and Black
- Tall and Fat
- Rich and Poor
6. He won _____ in literature in 1948
- Nobel Prize
- Order of Merit
- Pulitzer Prize
- Deshratna Award
7. Cocktail Party‛ has been written by _____
- John Keats
- John Donne
- Rupert Brooke
- T.S.Eliot
8. Macavity is a_______Cat
- Ginger
- Black
- Fat
- Wise
9. Mungojerrie and Griddlebone are_____ for the cat
- Agent
- Master
- Servant
- Owner
10. T.S. Eliot was an _____in religion
- Roman Catholic
- Anglo-Catholic
- Christian
- Hindu
11. Who wrote the ‘Wasteland’?
- T.S. Eliot
- Kamala Das
- K.N. Daruwala
- Rudyard Kipling
12. Macavity is considered as the _____ of the Scotland yard.
- Toothache
- Headache
- Trouble
- Pain
13. T. S. Eliot was a ____
- Poet
- Editor
- Critic
- All of these
14. Macavity disobeys _____and ____
- Human law & law of gravity
- Royal law & force law
- Police and CID
- NCB and CBI
15. The head of Macavity in highly _____shape
- Domed
- Round
- Square
- High
16. Macaity looks like a _______cat.
- Ginger
- Fat
- Big
- Thick
17. Macavity’s eyes are ________
- Sunken
- Big
- Round
- Raised
18. His coat is dusty from ________
- Neglect
- Care
- Painting
- Colour
19. Macavity’s whiskers are ______
- Uncombed
- Long
- White
- Dirty
20. The Head quarter of London police is ________
- Scotland Yard
- Sweetzerland
- Netherland
- London
21. Macavity : The Mystery Cat is written by
- Walt Whitman
- W. H. Auden
- T. S. Eliot
- John Donne
22. T. S. Eliot got Noble Prize in ___
- 1948
- 1956
- 1942
- 1996
23. Macavity : The Mystery Cat is a___
- Drama
- Noble
- Light Poem
- Literacy Poem
24. Macavity power of Leviation would make a stare.
- Saint
- Fakir
- Devil
- None of These
25. Macavity is outwardly-
- Miserable
- healthy
- Respectable
- Appealing
26. Macavity footprint aren’t found in any ____ of Scotland yard.
- Book
- File
- Copy
- None of these
27. According to Poet, Macavity is the ____ of Crime.
- A. Hitler
- Napolean
- Alexander
- Spot
28. T. S. Eliot belonged to ___ Century.
- 18th century
- 19th century
- 20th century
- 21th century
29. Macavity: The Mystery Cat is ____ Poem.
- Didactic
- Humprous
- Symbolic
- None of these
30. Macavity is ____ of Scotland Yard.
- Bafflement
- Despair
- Frustration
- Motivation
31. Macavity is the settlement of ___
- Bcotyard
- Hidden Paw
- Mcotyard
- Scotyard
32. Mungojerrie & Griddlebone are also-
- Dogs
- Monkeys
- Birds
- Cats
33. Macavity is full of ____
- Happiness
- Sadness
- Selfishness
- Decitfullness

1. Why does the poet call Macavity, A Mystery Cat?
Ans- The poet calls Macavity a mystery cat because it is never found after’ committing wrong. It leaves the place immediately after committing the crime.
2. What are the adjectives that have been used to describe Macavity’s Character?
Ans- Some of the adjectives that have been used to describe Macavity’s Character are as hereunder; bafflement, ginger, fiend and monster.
3. Why is Macavity termed a ‘Criminal’?
Ans- Macavity is termed as a criminal because it defies the law and indulges in activities of criminal nature
4. What is suggested by the phrase ‘power’ of levitation
Ans- Phrase power of levitation has been used to denote a supernatural and extraordinary capacity to rise and float in the air, especially by magic (which was possessed by Macavity).
5. What would you do if a cat enters your kitchen? Would you keep a cat as a pet?
Ans- I will immediately drive the cat away, in case it enters my kitchenm No 1 won’t keep a cat as a pet
6. Why does the poet call Macavity ‘outwardly respectable’? Discuss?
Ans- The poet passes satirical remark on its peculiar activities. He calls Macavity outwardly to show its meanness and also to rebuke (to castigate) for its misdeeds on a comical note. Macavity is the most cunning and indistinct(hidden). It has ever remained contrivance.
7. Describe some of the crimes committed by Macavity?
Ans- It commits several crimes like stealing of eatables and milk from the cupboards, looting jewellery at the gun-point, strangulating (killing by pressing the throat) of small Chinese dog (Pekinese), breaking of the greenhouse glass and trellis. It is also responsible for stealing a file of Treaty from the foreign office and stealing some plans and drawings from the Admiralty
8. Why are his eyes sunken?
Ans. His eyes are sunken and eyebrows are deeply lined in thoughts. He is always thinking deeply to commit next crime, so his eyes are sunken. It may be because of his wickedness.
9. What do his lined brow and his high domed forehead show?
Ans. His lined brow and high domed forehead show that Macavity is always busy thinking and planning to do bad things. Is His forehead and brows have become tense due his wickedness.
10. Why is the coat dusty and his whiskers uncombed?
Ans. Macavity is a monster and always busy in committing crimes and run away unseen from the spot. So it has never thought of cleaning his fur coat and whiskers. It has no time to think about himself except doing evil deeds. So these are dirty and uncleaned.
11. What gifts does Macavity have that will make even a fakir stare in wonder?
Ans. He has the power to rise or float in the air. I makes even a magician stare at its flying in the air.
12 . Can Macavity be ever accused of having committed a crime? Why not?
Ans. Macavity can never be accused of having committed a crime because he cannot be found at the place of crime. He is so clever and active to disappear from there.
13 . What alibis did Macavity have that made it impossible to catch him?
Ans. Macavity was never caught from the place of crime. So in the absence of evidence, it is impossible to catch him. This is the only alibi the poet talks about in the poem.