Dorothy L. Sayers was an English Crime Writer and poet. She was born in 13 June, 1893 in Oxford, United Kingdom and Died in 17 December, 1957 in Witham, United Kingdom. She became one of the first woman to graduate from Oxford University. His important works include, Clouds of Witness, Unnatural Death, Lord Peter Views the Body, etc.


How free is the press is written by Dorothy L. Sayer. In this essay she expresses her view against the misuse of the freedom of the Press. It is believed that there can not be free people without the freedom of the press. But we should consider here what that freedom is. The freedom of press means freedom from direction of censorship by the government. In this respect British press is free. It can attack at Politcs. It an interfere in the foreign diplomacy. It is free to do anything. And on occasion it can be a weapon to threat the government .Above all works are the positive attitude of press. But sometime this freedom is misused by the press. Our democracy teaches us that the state is not the master but the servant of the people. Advertisement is the biggest source of income for the Press or newspapers. So the press designs its policy in the favor of advertisers. The policy of Newspapers is shaped by the interest of their owner. Above both factors causes the misuse of the Press. The Sayers writers clearly again the misreporting by the press.


Take for granted : मान लेना
Restrictions : परिसीमन / बाधा
Wholesome : अच्छा और स्वस्थ
Censorship :  किसी भी वस्तु के प्रकाशन को दबाने की निति
Subvert : पतन के कारण
Incite : काम के लिए हल चल
Discontent : असंतोष
Scandals :  हास्य या गप सप
Foment : भड़काना
Harry : परेशान करना / सतना
Coerce : धमकाना / डराना
Disastrous : बहुत नुक्सान हुआ
Contrive : व्यवस्था
Shackled :  लाया हुआ
Overlords : पूर्ण शासक
bankruptcy : दिवाल्यापण / बिलकुल पैसा नहीं होना
Revenue : आय
Perpetual : स्थिर
Subserve : प्रचार में एक साधन के रूप में सेवा करना
Precarious : खतरनाक
Proprietor : मालिक
Virulent : विषैला
Shrewd : चालाक
Cynical : उलझन में
Resolute : निर्धारित
Disseminates : फैलाव / विस्तार
Titillating : खुशी से
Slipshod : लापरवाह
Tendentious :  जान बूझकर
Caesarism : पूर्ण तानाशाह
Allusion : अप्रतयक्ष सन्दर्भ
Fornication : अविवाहित पुरुष और स्त्रीके बीच  स्वैछिक यौन सम्बन्ध
Ecclesiastical : धार्मिक / ईसाई चर्च के सम्बंधित
Disavow : जिम्मेदारी लेने से इंकार करना
Garbling : एक भ्रमित संस्करण
Canterbury Festival : नाटकों का एक त्यौहार जो CANTEBURY में होता है
Bland perversion : एकमुश्त और जानबूझकर विरूपण
Oxford : OXFORDSHIRE का एक मुख्या शहर जो ENGLAND में है
Gratuitous : ऐच्छिक
Detest : घृणा / नफरत
Libel : मानहानि
Honoris Causa : सम्मान करने का इरादा
Fleet street : केन्द्रय लंदन में एक राज्य जहाँ अधिक ब्रिटिश अख़बार का कार्यालय है
Syndicated : व्यस्त

Concerted : केंद्रित / संयुक्त
Symptomatic : सूचक
Smothered : पूरी तरह से ढका  हुआ
badger : अस्पस्ट बनाना
Heckle : परेशान करना
Invoked : याचना करना / अपिल करना


1) How free is the press is written by___
A. H.E. Bates
B. Dr. Zakir Hussain
C. Dorothy L. Sayers
D. Bertrand Russell
2) Censorship is imposed during___
A. Peaceful times
B. Emergency
C. Election
D. Tranders
3) The___is not the master but the servant of the people
A. State
B. Govt
C. District
D. Village
4) The first chief source of a newspaper’s revenue
A. Advertisement
B. Grant by the government
C. Donation
D. Debt
5) The second chief source of a newspaper’s revenue___
A. grant by the government
B. donation
C. debt
D. The wealth of owner
6) A free and fair press is the true Watch___of democracy
A. cat
B. dog
C. bird
D. tiger
7) The essay “How free is the Press “ is written___
A. Martin Luther King
B. Pearl S. Buck
C. Aurobindo
D. Dorothy L Sayers
8) Dorothy was born in___
A. 1883
B. 1893
C. 1845
D. 1934
9) Dorothy died in____
A. 1976
B. 1967
C. 1957
D. 1958
10) When did Dorothy Sayers become one of the first women to gradate from Oxford University
A. 1950
B. 1915
C. 1918
D. 1919
11) In the following essay “How Free is the press” the author makes a strong case against
A. Chained Press
B. Slavery
C. Misuse of the freedom of the press
D. Rude editors
12) Without a free press there can be no___
A. Society
B. Free people
C. Humanity
D. Peace
13)Restrictions are normally place upon the press in time of__
A. Flood
B. Bloodshed
C. War
D. Famine
14)Full freedom is resorted when it comes _____
A. War
B. Famine
C. Peace
D. Flood
15) For the freedom of the press, we usually mean freedom from direction or _________
A. Scandal
B. Pressure
C. Censorship
D. Distraction
16)Under ordinary condition’s, which press is singularly free, as mentioned in the essay ______
A. Indian press
B. American press
C. British press
D. European press
17) Freedom of press works to secure and sustain the central doctrine of _________
A. State
B. Democracy
C. Public
D. Personal Interests
18) Who is the master of the state?
A. Government
B. Press
C. Court
D. People
19)The press can make or break _______
A. Colony
B. People
C. Reputation
D. Garbling
20) The news in the newspapers is generally-
A. To the point
B. Somewhat Changed
C. Completely Changed
D. None of these
21) The press enjoys the-
A. Boldness of public
B. The Helplessness of the public
C. Idleness of the public
D. None of these
22) The editorial policy of a popular daily is controlled by-
A. Two chief factors
B. Three chief factors
C. Four chief factors
D. None of these
23) The policy of a newspaper is largely determined by-
A. The government
B. The public
C. The Proprietor 
D. None of these
24) The author has given the forms of misrepresentation, they are –
A. Five
B. Four
C. Seven
D. Six
25) Dorothy L. Sayers was educated at
A. Cambridge
B. Oxford 
C. Both
D. None of these


1. What do free ‘people’ take for granted?
Free people take it for granted That without a free press there can be no freedom.
2. Are there Restrictions on Press in time of war?
Yes, there are Restrictions on Press during the time of war.
3. What do you mean by the term “free press”?
By the term free press it means that the press is free from direction and censorship by the government.
4. Who is the master- the state or the people?
The People are Master and The State is the servant of People.
5. What does the unofficial censorship seek to do?
The unofficial censorship does not so much seek to express public opinion as to manufacture it.
6. Name two sources of revenue newspaper usually survive on?
The two chief sources of revenue of a newspaper are :
a) Advertisers
b)  The wealth of the company or the man that own the newspaper.
7. What are the two basic assumptions about the public?
The two basic assumption about the public are :
a) That they have not the Intelligence to distinguish truth from falsehood
b) That they don’t care at all that a statement is false provided it is titillating.
8. What is supposition of context ?
Supposition of Context is that readers can be made to believe anything.
9. Name two thing that make the reports unreliable reading?
The two thing that make the reports unreliable reading are :
a) Inaccurate reporting of facts, and
b) Perversions make the reports unreliable
10. Why do books rarely Criticise the Press?
A book rarely dares to criticise the press because the press can either ignore the book all together, or publish sneering comments in its gossip column about it.
11. How do the newspapers greet the slightest effort to hinder the irresponsible dissemination of nonsense?
The Slightest effort to hinder the irresponsible dissemination of nonsense is greeted by a concerted how: This is a threat to the freedom of the press.’
12. Name the seven charges the author makes against the Press?
a) False Emphasis
b) Garbling
c) Inaccuracy
d) Reversal of facts
e) Random Invention
f) Miracle Mongering
g) Flat Suppression
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