Choose The Correct Word – 3 Leave a Comment / By Amarsir / October 6, 2023 Amar’s Classes For English Presents, Choose The Correct Word Choose the correct word - 3 1 / 20 1. Choose the correct word innocent inoconet inocient 2 / 20 2. Choose the correct word extreme extromi exotreme 3 / 20 3. Choose the correct word notorious noterisou noterious 4 / 20 4. Choose the correct word recognise rekognise rechognise 5 / 20 5. Choose the correct word frightened fryghtened fraughtened 6 / 20 6. Choose the correct word Indecision Indecicion Indecition 7 / 20 7. Choose the correct word activity actyvity actevity 8 / 20 8. Choose the correct word disappear disapear disapper 9 / 20 9. Choose the correct word auditorium audittorium audetoream 10 / 20 10. Choose the correct word. anniversary aniversory anevarsory 11 / 20 11. Choose the correct word. bureucracy bureaucracy buerocracy 12 / 20 12. Choose the correct word. cashier casheir casheer 13 / 20 13. Choose the correct word. Affidavit Affidabit Afidavit 14 / 20 14. Choose the correct word. Achieve Achiev Acheeve 15 / 20 15. Choose the correct word. Sattelite Satellite Satalite 16 / 20 16. Choose the correct word. Govermmnet Govement Government 17 / 20 17. Choose the correct word. believe beelive belive 18 / 20 18. Choose the correct word. surrender surendra surendre 19 / 20 19. Choose the correct word. weather weether whether 20 / 20 20. Choose the correct word. Interview Interveiw Intereveew Your score is 0% Restart quiz Click Here for More Quiz : Quiz – 1Quiz – 2Quiz – 3Quiz – 4Quiz – 5