1. Bring up ( पालन पोषण करना ) to rear
2. Break up ( रिश्ता तोड़ना ) to break the relation
3. Crack up ( जोर से हँसना ) to laugh so that it hurts you
4. Eat up ( खाकर खत्म करना ) to eat until your plate is empty
5. Blow up ( फूटना ) to explode
6. Heat up ( गर्म करना ) to warm something until it is hot
7. Grow up ( वयस्क होना ) to become an adult
8. Pack up ( सामानों को समेटना ) to pack until everything is in boxes
9. Warm up ( गर्म करना ) to sit in a warm space
10. Dry up ( सुख जाना ) to become completely dry
11. Use up ( इस्तेमाल कर खत्म करना) to use all so that nothing is left
12. Heal up ( स्वस्थ होना ) to heal completely and become healthy
13. Cheer up ( खुश करना ) to feel better
14. Freshen up ( तरोताज़ा होना ) to wash face
15. Do up ( फिर से बनाना ) to remodel something
16. Make up ( क्षतिपूर्ति करना ) to beautify yourself
17. Talk up (अच्छी बातें करना ) to describe something in a very positive way
18. Give up ( छोड़ देना ) to stop trying to quit bad habit
19. Hang up ( फ़ोन रखना ) to put down the phone
20. Turn up (आवाज़ बढ़ाना ) to increase the volume
21. Hurry up ( जल्दी करना ) to make haste
22. Look up ( सूचना इकट्ठे करना ) to look for information
23. Back up ( समर्थन करना ) to give support
24. Patch up ( रिश्ता जोड़ना ) to manage the relation
25. Speak up ( जोर से बोलना ) to speak loudly